Thought I'd ask here first because you guys have so been helpful so often.
My father just got an Asus Notebook and I noticed while looking around that you can set-up a mouse to use with it. Can I just plug in a mouse that's used for towers and the Notebook will recognize it?
I closed the lid last night and it went to sleep but pushing any key did not seem to wake it up. I hit the power button and it did. Is this normal? I searched a bit and found one site that said that can be the protocol on some laptops.
I installed Java last night--because my father may need it for a certain website--and after I did I experienced a recurring bogus Java update pop-up when I visited the NYTimes using IE11 which I had not just before without Java being installed. (Interestingly I did not experience this pop-up using Chrome which I installed for this lapstop.) Malwarebytes showed nothing and I cleaned the system using Advanced SystemCare which is on this Notebook, although I have no idea if it cleaned the pop-up problem. I then visited the NYTimes again and the pop-up was gone. Any idea what this was (a drive by maybe they call it?) and why Chrome was not incurring this issue?
Lastly, and as I just referred to, my father installed Advance SystemCare 7 on this Notebook on the advice of a friend who seems to know a thing or two about computers. Do you know anyrthing about this anti-virus/cleaner? I searched it and there doesn't seem to be much on it.
As for sleep there is probably a hot key combination that will bring it back or the power key might. The new version of Java comes with advertising software by default but you should be able to remove it. Open programs and features and research anything questionable. As for a mouse you should be able to get basic functionality from the mouse simply by plugging it in. Extra buttons with special functionality might require installing drivers from the manufacturer.
Advanced system care seems to be in part a registry cleaner. It is the general consensus on some forums that they do not help and might in fact harm the computer. I would not use it. You could however use ccleaner to clear out temporary files as they accumulate that would help with performance but even with that I would stay away from the registry cleaner.
Thanks for the reply and help. As to Java, my concern is not that I thought the pop-up that I experienced at the NYTimes using IE11 and not Chrome was legitimate adware but rather some malware/scareware. Why would the pop-up and the window that opened after shutting the pop-up tell me I needed to update my Java when I had only minutes ago just installed it and was thus up-to-date? I thought that perhaps there was something on this laptop that was enabling that malware from appearing using IE11 although it's also my understanding that malware or scareware can infect webpages rather than it being in your system.
I didn't see the popup so I can't comment however webpages are hosted on a server and therefore not impacted by malware on your system however malware can cause it's own popups by pulling them from another server.
It might have been designed for IE or Chrome has built in security that IE doesn't. Could also be your pop up settings. I don't know enough about Chrome to do anything other than speculate.