Hello All, I have been looking everywhere in search of a solution. ALL Day! Losing Mind! It all started when I created a new folder. I had created it inside of a window and before the window had completed loading all of the files and folders on the desktop, I had somehow managed to rename the hidden "Public" folder on my desktop to "Noyce," (the name I intended to be given to the new folder I had just created). I have looked all over to try and edit registry files and desktop.ini files. Nothing is allowing me to rename the folder back to public. It is driving me insane.
4 Screenshots below. Any help would be appreciated beyond words. Every time I see the folder listed among the top folders, I am reminded of the past 36 hours since it happened, trying to fix it.
As you can see in the screenshots, my options are limited when I right click on the pulic folder which was mistakenly named "Noyce" somehow. Launching command prompt is one option - so if that can lead to a quick fix it would be amazing.
Try booting to Safe Mode, login as Administrator and see if you can rename it there. You may have to enable the hidden Administrator account first. If so:
Open a Elevated Command Prompt.
Type net user administrator /active:yes and press Enter.
If not, install Unlocker and use it to rename the folder at boot.
If that fails, create a live Linux boot CD/DVD (Puppy, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.) then boot the CD/DVD and use it drive navigation tools to rename the folder.
Thank you very much for the quick response! I tried safe mode but no luck. I'm going to try enabling the "hidden administrator account." I don't know how to do that - You say to open an Elevated Command Prompt, but not sure where to start. Thank you very very much in advance!
- EDIT - Looking it up now. I'll post the outcome. Thank You
Update. I watched a few tutorials on "command prompt." I tried to rename the file but I'm not sure how to define the location (See screenshots Below.) Is it because it is a "junction folder." I heard that word thrown around once when searching for a solution. If there is a specific command that can solve this problem, I would be extremely grateful!!
You need to back up a level in the elevated command prompt.
You are sitting at C:\Users\Public. Back up to C:\Users
cd ..
then do a dir and see what it shows you. If you see Noyce there then you can rename it. If not, install Unlocker and do the rename from Windows Explorer using Unlocker.
Hmm. I'm probably on hour 15-20 searching for solution.
I tried Unlocker 1.9.2. I tried renaming, rebooting, reappeared. Then deleting, rebooting, it's still there but confuses PC. See screenshots.
Any more help would be extremely appreciated. The noyce folder is at the top of the files list and it is conditioning me to get a headache every time I open a window.
Fixed. Reboot safe mode. Repair mode. Login Admin. Backup and Restore. Tried this long ago, before command prom pt attempts, but it worked this time possibly because loggedin as admin in repair mode.
Thank you greatly for all of your help Ztruker!!!! An amazing skill to know so well.