New Member
I dont know if this information is helpful, but i have Windows Vista home and its 64bit. Ok anyway, so a few days ago, my computer must have automatically restarted due to a possible Windows update or possibly my antivirus program (i have Mccafee and Malwarebytes anti malware if that info is needed as well). So i log into my account and noticed my Firefox was back to default and asking me if it would like to be my default browser and my home page was gone, which it shouldnt do because i always use Firefox etc. etc. so i decided to restore my computer back about 24 hours to hopefully resolve the problem. Somehow, when i restored it, it restored all the way back to the first day I got it! My iTunes icon is there, but needs to be dowloaded, and all my pictures are gone, even my background is back to default and everything. I have been trying to undo the restore and i set it to restore to just a couple days before this all happened, but it just keeps restoring back to when i first got it, clean slate. Is it my memory? Whats going on? Thanks.