Hi this is my first post hope I'm in the right spot, I am using a vista 64 bit HP laptop.
when I save a picture even one all ready in the computer it puts the sharing icon "two little blue people" on the bottom left had corner of the picture. It never did this before and I haven't changed any thing lately, what does this mean? can I some how get rid of it? Thanks for any help
This could happen if the folder it's in is set to be shared.
You can get rid of it my setting the folder and it's contents to no longer be shared by anyone. Steps 8 on in the tutorial below can help show you more about this. You would basically remove all users except the "Owner" (your account) to stop sharing it.
thanks for the quick reply Brink,
I looked at the link and I can see all my folders are shared with users but only the ones I am saving today have the icon on them the others just have the name of the picture under them unless I modify the picture and re-save it then the shared icon shows up. I just don't know what has changed in my computer to cause me to be able to see the shared icon. thanks again
I moved the pictures to a new folder and the shared icons disappeared must be as you said that folder was a shared folder but I couldn't see any difference in between the new folder and old one when I looked at the settings, thanks for the help
If you like, go ahead and post screenshots of the settings for Share and Advanced Sharing for the first folder here. I'll be happy to take a look at them to see if I may be able to spot the issue.
I looked in to this some more and discovered it doesn't matter what folder I put the picture in, what makes a difference is if I save it using Microsoft Picture it Photo Premium 9 to photo shop the picture. I tried other photo programs and saved to the same folder and no Share icon appears, I see no settings to change in Microsoft Picture it Photo Premium that would account for this. I have used this program for many years and have not seen this before. If I move them from the folder I saved them in the icon disappears. weird.
I wouldn't think so, but it's certainly something the Microsoft Picture it Photo Premium 9 program is doing it since it only happens with it. I'm just not familiar enough with this program to know if there may be a setting to stop it.