Missing File shows up briefly after restore

Hey. I am missing a Desktop folder that I created from the desktop in which I added and saved pictures in. There is another folder on the Desktop with programs and icons and 2 pictures, in which the pictures only are missing. It happened while I was downloading a zipped file, in which I couldn't open, and then downloaded several unzip programs to open it. One finally worked, but then I noticed the missing folder.
I did a system restore, 3 times, and every time it restarts it briefly, for a few seconds, shows the missing folder, then it disappears again. I've tried many different online help sites and suggestions, along with other things I knew to try myself, without success.
My question is...would the folder still exist somewhere on my PC if it shows up briefly when I restore and restart?

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The copies of the files are on the hard drive. Go back with shadow explorer to at least a few day before the last time you saw the file.
ShadowExplorer.com - About

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Thank you Richard. I'm glad you understood what I was trying to say. I can't wait to try it. I'll let you know soon what happened when I do. That must be why the desktop.ini text papers that popped up after the missing files are now shadowed. It was so nice of you to help. I truly appreciate it. This folder is very important to me. Sherriedale

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If this does not work. Stop using the computer. The more it is used, the more difficult to find the files. We will use the free software recuva if necessary.

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Well, it may be too late. I did the system restore three times before you told me about ShadowExplorer. And when I got to where I know the folder contents are listed...which is in C:, Users, user name, Recent, there is nothing that comes up. The screen is blank in the Recent folder. But the contents of my missing folder is in the Recent folder when I go to it myself. Just not with ShadowExplorer. But I realized the reason that is...is because Shadow won't let me go back any further than 10/29. I need it to go back to the 10/25. The damage was done on the 26th. I guess it is in sync with System restore since it only goes back that far also. When I first did the restore, it went back as far as the 25. But now its deleted the older dates I suppose. And since that's the case I'm assuming it may be too late. But I'm so glad to know about Shadow Explorer, and I've learned a lot from just that. Thank you so much for telling me about it.
So, after what I just told you, do you think the recuva may work? And I won't use the computer until you give a reply. Oh...and thank you.

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Can you remember the folder name or the name of any one of the files in it? For example, do you name your photos with titles like "Xmas Party - Fred"? If so - try using a normal search for that filename or some part of it. If the photo's are not named, just try searching for all pictures and look for one that you know was only ever in that folder.

I once had a similar problem where a folder "vanished". In the end, I found them all intact and the entire folder had found it's way inside of a Windows system folder. My guess is that there was a problem with the filing system or the hard-drive - either way, it lost track of where the folder should appear.

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Oh good! Thank you richc46, and pengipete. I will try one, then the other. But I haven't been using the computer. I'll let you know. Thank you again.

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richc46, I did try Recuva. Most of the pictures I was looking for had been overwritten. The others weren't listed..I don't think. But I did find 2 videos that was missing from my desktop through Recuva. I've learned a huge lesson. I'm never going to save pictures on my desktop, even temporarily ..like the ones I lost. I have the information you gave me for future reference.Thank you for all your help and time. Sherriedale

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You are very welcome. Sorry that you lost some important files.

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    DSL provided by ATT
pengipete, Yes, I remembered the folder name, and some of the names of the pictures. I did a search everwhere. The one place I could see them was in "recent", which I find odd. But they won't come up in a search. When I try opening one from "recent", it says the item was moved or deleted and the shortcut is no longer working. And I did notice all the pictures in "recent" were shortcuts.
But thank you for your help. I'm glad you found your folder in tact. You probably didn't do a restore on yours like I did before I tried to search for them. But I'm learning. Thanks again. Sherriedale

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