sfcdetails.txt generated from CBS.Log


Dear Sir,

My Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2 cannot windows update because there are some errors cannot be repaired by sfe /scannow.

Can I submit the whole file sfcdetails.txt or CBS.Log for your action? If yes, I would be very gladful to you.

Please help me to solve the above problems.

Thank you.

My Computer

You should run sfc /scannow at least three times.

My Computer

System One

  • Operating System
    Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP2
    Intel Quad CPU Q6700 2.67 GHZ
    NVIDIA 780i
    4 GB
    Graphics card(s)
    MSI GTX 560 TI Twin Frozr
    Sound Card
    Sound Blaster SB Audigy
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Viewsonic VG2436
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    Samsung HD 105SI WDC WD20
    Apevia XJupiter
    Logitech MX 600
    Logitech MX 3200
    Internet Speed
    30 Mbps
You should run sfc /scannow at least three times.

Is still the same problems again after I run thrice according to your instruction as below [cmd/sfc /scannow]; Please help me again.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of th
Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For example
C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of th
Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For example
C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of th
Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For example

My Computer

You should run sfc /scannow at least three times.

Please help me again.

I have acted on your instruction to run three time. Is still having the same problems and it did not solved as below;

C:\Windows\system32>sfc /scannow
Beginning system scan. This process will take some time.
Beginning verification phase of system scan.
Verification 100% complete.
Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of th
Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For example

My Computer

Copy the CBS.log file to your desktop (you cannot work on it directly ), and right-click on the copy - select Send To... Compressed files.
This will create a CBS.zip file on the desktop - attach it to your response.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Copy the CBS.log file to your desktop (you cannot work on it directly ), and right-click on the copy - select Send To... Compressed files.
This will create a CBS.zip file on the desktop - attach it to your response.

Hi Noel,

I have attached the file herewith CBS.zip.

I thank you in advance for your kind assistance.


My Computer

You have a large number of files which are not properly being repaired by SFC (around 35) - this is probably indicative of more widespread corruption.
I would recommend backing up your data to external storage, and then attempting a repair install - after first checking your system drive for problems.

Run CHKDSK C: /R from an elevated Command prompt, and answer Y to the confirmation request - and reboot.

When the check has completed the system will reboot - you will find the results in the Event Viewer Windows Application logs as a Wininit event.
Please copy and paste the results.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
You have a large number of files which are not properly being repaired by SFC (around 35) - this is probably indicative of more widespread corruption.
I would recommend backing up your data to external storage, and then attempting a repair install - after first checking your system drive for problems.

Run CHKDSK C: /R from an elevated Command prompt, and answer Y to the confirmation request - and reboot.

When the check has completed the system will reboot - you will find the results in the Event Viewer Windows Application logs as a Wininit event.
Please copy and paste the results.

Hi Noel,

The CBS2.zip was run ONCE and not thrice time! So it is a hugh file.

Please see the attached screenshot. I cannot backup the whole drive at C:\root and also not the selected files if I want to, because the sfc_/scannow is incompleted.

So if I don't follow your instruction and skip the backup, then what I loose; system files and/or all the files?

Is there any alternative, patches or updates or 3rd party beside the sfc_/scannow? If no, what is the best next option or step to overcome the problems?


  • Back Up Error 0x80070002.jpg
    Back Up Error 0x80070002.jpg
    126.5 KB · Views: 61

My Computer

The file posted had at least 4 runs of SFC visible - it maintains a history of the last 10 days' results, not per-run results.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
The error message you are getting is a 'file not found' error - which means that a specific file is unavailable to the backup operation. This could simply be that it's a file which is frequently updated by something in the system. To check that, you could try running the backup from a Clean Boot situation. If it works there, at least you know that's the problem.
However, with the number of problems that you have, I suspect that there are realistically, only two ways to repair the system,
1) a repair install of Windows
2) A Clean install

You don't specify in your system specs the make and model of your PC, or whether the current OS is the original or an upgrade - please do so - also the current SP level of the OS.
If it's an OEM machine, you won't have the proper disk to be able to run a repair install, and I'd recommend a clean install.

You can always simply copy your data to your backup drive manually - it's not the quickest or easiest method, but it works, so long as you make sure that you remember to check an back up things like mail stores. You can also use third-party systems.

Another option is to use the WET system to back up - but if the normal backups are failing I suspect that this will also fail.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
The error message you are getting is a 'file not found' error - which means that a specific file is unavailable to the backup operation. This could simply be that it's a file which is frequently updated by something in the system. To check that, you could try running the backup from a Clean Boot situation. If it works there, at least you know that's the problem.
However, with the number of problems that you have, I suspect that there are realistically, only two ways to repair the system,
1) a repair install of Windows
2) A Clean install

You don't specify in your system specs the make and model of your PC, or whether the current OS is the original or an upgrade - please do so - also the current SP level of the OS.
If it's an OEM machine, you won't have the proper disk to be able to run a repair install, and I'd recommend a clean install.

You can always simply copy your data to your backup drive manually - it's not the quickest or easiest method, but it works, so long as you make sure that you remember to check an back up things like mail stores. You can also use third-party systems.

Another option is to use the WET system to back up - but if the normal backups are failing I suspect that this will also fail.

Dear Sirs,

I have mentioned here before first reply from "wither 3"; "My Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2" - my current OS upgraded without SP1 or SP2. The CD is original software from Microsoft, OEM Vista Ultimate 32-bit without SP. My mainboard is Asus Rampage 3 Extreme. This is a desktop without a repair disk except for notebook purchases.

Would you tell me what are the 35 files found by you from CBS2.zip. I think HijackThis had fixed these as missing "no file" from duplicate files to replace them from different folders. After running again HijackThis, the problems is solved without errors because there is no message "no file".

I think if you can tell me the 35 files and how to view them from CBS2.zip, then I will rename these files with extension *.hjt. Are these 35 files not part of the process for booting up windows, then I can reboot my PC?

Alternately, you know my os, then I need the original 35 files for Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2 to replace the incorrect files.

Or maybe, how to look further into the sub-folders at C:\Windows for the correct dupicated file and which is the correct version to replace the 35 incorrect files.

Lastly, this may not work well to upgrade; are you suggesting that I have to do the following steps below ;
1. uninstall SP2.
2. unintsall SP1.
3. Put in the CD software in cd-drive.
4. select the "upgrade" and not "customize..."
5. Comment:Is a long process except a clean installation; I have too many application with long history age to process).

Please advice me. Thank you.

My Computer

HiJackThis does not work properly in Vista or Win7 - especially in 64-bit editions, and if used incautiously will break the install beyond normal repair methods. You may be able to undo the damage by using the undo options in HJT.

Your first paragraph is confusing me - one second you are talking about retail, then next about OEM, then about desktop, and notebook.

let's have a closer look.
we need to see a full copy of the report produced by the MGADiag tool
(download and save to desktop - http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=52012 )
Once saved, run the tool.
Click on the Continue button, which will produce the report.
To copy the report to your response, click on the Copy button in the tool (ignore any error messages at this point), and then paste (using either r-click/Paste, or Ctrl+V ) into your response.

Please also state the Version and Edition of Windows quoted on your COA sticker (if you have one) on the case of your machine (or inside the battery compartment), but do NOT quote the Key on the sticker!
How to Tell

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Hi Noel,

Is irreversible to restore back by HijackThis. That's a big problem

This PC Desktop has no COA sticker because it DIY.

Here is the report by MGADiag to prove my geniune microsoft licensed software;

Diagnostic Report (1.9.0027.0):
Windows Validation Data-->
Validation Status: Genuine
Validation Code: 0
Cached Online Validation Code: 0x0
Windows Product Key: *****-*****-2PB37-DPB8D-TC38K
Windows Product Key Hash: ZPVGFkO/ON3KQtZkaCRaW8PAwdM=
Windows Product ID: 89580-OEM-7300524-11529
Windows Product ID Type: 3
Windows License Type: OEM System Builder
Windows OS version: 6.0.6002.2.00010100.2.0.001
ID: {F5441342-E02A-41D3-8080-8A4B567644B1}(3)
Is Admin: Yes
TestCab: 0x0
LegitcheckControl ActiveX: Registered,
Signed By: Microsoft
Product Name: Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate
Architecture: 0x00000000
Build lab: 6002.vistasp2_gdr.120402-0336
TTS Error:
Validation Diagnostic:
Resolution Status: N/A
Vista WgaER Data-->
ThreatID(s): N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Version: 6.0.6001.18152
Windows XP Notifications Data-->
Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
File Exists: No
Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
WgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
WgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
OGA Notifications Data-->
Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
OGAExec.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
OGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
OGA Data-->
Office Status: 109 N/A
OGA Version: N/A, 0x80070002
Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3
Browser Data-->
Proxy settings: N/A
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
Default Browser: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt
Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled
Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed
Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled
Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled
Active scripting: Allowed
Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed
File Scan Data-->
Other data-->
Office Details: <GenuineResults><MachineData><UGUID>{F5441342-E02A-41D3-8080-8A4B567644B1}</UGUID><Version>1.9.0027.0</Version><OS>6.0.6002.2.00010100.2.0.001</OS><Architecture>x32</Architecture><PKey>*****-*****-*****-*****-TC38K</PKey><PID>89580-OEM-7300524-11529</PID><PIDType>3</PIDType><SID>S-1-5-21-415863772-754656277-697246333</SID><SYSTEM><Manufacturer>Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.</Manufacturer><Model>P35C-DS3R</Model></SYSTEM><BIOS><Manufacturer>Award Software International, Inc.</Manufacturer><Version>F12</Version><SMBIOSVersion major="2" minor="4"/><Date>20090618000000.000000+000</Date></BIOS><HWID>82303507018400FA</HWID><UserLCID>0409</UserLCID><SystemLCID>0409</SystemLCID><TimeZone>Malay Peninsula Standard Time(GMT+08:00)</TimeZone><iJoin>0</iJoin><SBID><stat>3</stat><msppid></msppid><name></name><model></model></SBID><OEM/><GANotification/></MachineData><Software><Office><Result>109</Result><Products/><Applications/></Office></Software></GenuineResults>
Spsys.log Content: 0x80070002
Licensing Data-->
Software licensing service version: 6.0.6002.18005
Name: Windows(TM) Vista, Ultimate edition
Description: Windows Operating System - Vista, OEM_COA_NSLP channel
Activation ID: 33a7e8d3-e2ab-413b-96a6-27c83b21c695
Application ID: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
Extended PID: 89580-00146-005-211529-02-1033-6000.0000-1572011
Installation ID: 004876712490737801037112724333137092151443456156230056
Processor Certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=43473
Machine Certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=43474
Use License URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=43476
Product Key Certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=43475
Partial Product Key: TC38K
License Status: Licensed
Windows Activation Technologies-->
HWID Data-->
OEM Activation 1.0 Data-->
OEM Activation 2.0 Data-->
BIOS valid for OA 2.0: yes, but no SLIC table
Windows marker version: N/A
OEMID and OEMTableID Consistent: N/A
BIOS Information:
ACPI Table Name OEMID Value OEMTableID Value
SSDT PmRef CpuPm


My Computer

Upgrading with an OEM disk/Key is not exactly the recommended procedure :)
You appear to have made life difficult for your self all the way down the line - I really do think your best option is a repair install, using a fresh download/copy of the SP1 media
Repair Install - Windows 7 Forums

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
Upgrading with an OEM disk/Key is not exactly the recommended procedure :)
You appear to have made life difficult for your self all the way down the line - I really do think your best option is a repair install, using a fresh download/copy of the SP1 media
Repair Install - Windows 7 Forums

Hi Noel,

May I ask you again before I do the below. What are the 35 files reported in my CBS.log or CBS2.log? Which URL-link address has tutorials on how to find errors in CBS.log? Then I find them to rename it with extension (e.g. *.kiv)

My apology to you because all this while I said Vista and not Windows 7 at the above mentioned. Therefore, I have to get the correct windows Vista to solve the problems.

I refer to "Vista - Repair Windows Installer Service in Vista (All Versions)" at http://www.vistax64.com/vista-insta...ows-installer-service-vista-all-versions.html. The instruction is not clear.

Which url-link address will ahow me the correct steps for the CD software Vista Ultimate 32-bit (without SPs) to repair / install on the PC with Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2?

Thank you.

My Computer

You asked for it :)
Line 16841: 2012-07-09 23:05:52, Info                  CSI    00000761 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"dimaint.sys" of divasx86.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16844: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000763 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"CtrlAltDel.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CtrlAltDel-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16847: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000765 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"CredSsp.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CredSsp-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16850: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000767 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:56{28}]"DistributedLinkTracking.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DistributedLinkTracking-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16853: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000769 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"DiskNVCache.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskNVCache-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16856: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000076b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"DigitalLocker.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DigitalLocker-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16859: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000076d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"DiskQuota.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskQuota-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16862: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000076f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"Desktop.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16865: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000771 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18{9}]"DCOM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DCOM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16868: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000773 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DFS.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DFS-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16871: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000775 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"DeviceInstallation.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DevInst-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16874: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000777 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"EncryptFilesonMove.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EncryptFilesonMove-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16877: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000779 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"EventViewer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventViewer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16880: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000077b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DWM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DWM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16883: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000077d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"FileRecovery.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileRecovery-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16886: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000077f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"EventLog.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventLog-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16889: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000781 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"FolderRedirection.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-fdeploy-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16892: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000783 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"FileSys.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileSys-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16895: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000785 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"GroupPolicy.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-Admin-AdmFiles.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16898: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000787 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"GameExplorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16901: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000789 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Globalization.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Globalization-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16904: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000078b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"legapp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Legapp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"zh-CN", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16907: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000078d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"medexp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Medexp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16910: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000078f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"parent.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Parent.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16913: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000791 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"CredUI.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16916: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000793 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"Explorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16919: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000795 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:48{24}]"CredentialProviders.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16922: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000797 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"FramePanes.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16926: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    00000799 [SR] Cannot verify component files for Microsoft-Windows-StreamBufferEngine, Version = 6.0.6002.18363, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral, manifest may be damaged (TRUE)
 Line 16930: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000079b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"cscompui.dll" of NetFx-CSharpCompilerMsg, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16934: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000079d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"dv_aspnetmmc.chm" of NetFx-DV_ASPNETMMC_CHM_RES, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16938: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    0000079f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:62{31}]"Microsoft.Build.Commontypes.xsd" of NetFx-MSBuild_Commontypes_Schema, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16941: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    000007a1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"EventLogMessages.dll" of NetFx-EVENTLOGMESSAGES_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16945: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    000007a3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"WMINet_Utils.dll" of NetFx-WMINET_UTILS_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16948: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    000007a5 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"vbc7ui.dll" of NetFx-VB_Compiler_UI, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16951: 2012-07-09 23:05:53, Info                  CSI    000007a7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"I386\HPC35W6L.GPD" of prnhp001.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16954: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007a9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"Desktop.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16963: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007af [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"EventLogMessages.dll" of NetFx-EVENTLOGMESSAGES_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16967: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007b2 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"DiskNVCache.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskNVCache-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16976: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007b8 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"DigitalLocker.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DigitalLocker-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16985: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007be [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"EventLog.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventLog-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 16994: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007c4 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"legapp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Legapp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"zh-CN", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17004: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007ca [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"dv_aspnetmmc.chm" of NetFx-DV_ASPNETMMC_CHM_RES, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17008: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007cd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"vbc7ui.dll" of NetFx-VB_Compiler_UI, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17012: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007d0 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"DiskQuota.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskQuota-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17021: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007d6 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"GroupPolicy.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-Admin-AdmFiles.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17036: 2012-07-09 23:05:54, Info                  CSI    000007df [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"I386\HPC35W6L.GPD" of prnhp001.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17040: 2012-07-09 23:05:55, Info                  CSI    000007e2 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"CtrlAltDel.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CtrlAltDel-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17049: 2012-07-09 23:05:55, Info                  CSI    000007e8 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18{9}]"DCOM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DCOM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17058: 2012-07-09 23:05:55, Info                  CSI    000007ee [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Globalization.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Globalization-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17067: 2012-07-09 23:05:55, Info                  CSI    000007f4 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"medexp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Medexp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17077: 2012-07-09 23:05:55, Info                  CSI    000007fa [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:62{31}]"Microsoft.Build.Commontypes.xsd" of NetFx-MSBuild_Commontypes_Schema, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17081: 2012-07-09 23:05:55, Info                  CSI    000007fd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"dimaint.sys" of divasx86.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17085: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000800 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:56{28}]"DistributedLinkTracking.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DistributedLinkTracking-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17094: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000806 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DFS.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DFS-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17103: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    0000080c [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"EventViewer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventViewer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17112: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000812 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"FileSys.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileSys-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17121: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000818 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"GameExplorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17130: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    0000081e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"CredUI.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17134: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000821 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"Explorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17138: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000824 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:48{24}]"CredentialProviders.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17142: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000827 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"FramePanes.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17166: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000836 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"CredSsp.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CredSsp-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17175: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    0000083c [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"EncryptFilesonMove.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EncryptFilesonMove-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17184: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000842 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DWM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DWM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17193: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000848 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"parent.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Parent.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17203: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    0000084e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"cscompui.dll" of NetFx-CSharpCompilerMsg, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17208: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000851 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"WMINet_Utils.dll" of NetFx-WMINET_UTILS_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17212: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000854 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"DeviceInstallation.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DevInst-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17221: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    0000085a [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"FileRecovery.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileRecovery-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17230: 2012-07-09 23:05:56, Info                  CSI    00000860 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"FolderRedirection.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-fdeploy-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17471: 2012-07-09 23:06:59, Info                  CSI    000008e0 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"dimaint.sys" of divasx86.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17474: 2012-07-09 23:07:00, Info                  CSI    000008e2 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"dimaint.sys" of divasx86.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17590: 2012-07-09 23:07:27, Info                  CSI    0000090e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"CtrlAltDel.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CtrlAltDel-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17593: 2012-07-09 23:07:28, Info                  CSI    00000910 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"CtrlAltDel.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CtrlAltDel-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17706: 2012-07-09 23:07:39, Info                  CSI    0000092b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"CredSsp.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CredSsp-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17709: 2012-07-09 23:07:42, Info                  CSI    0000092d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"CredSsp.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CredSsp-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17741: 2012-07-09 23:07:43, Info                  CSI    00000937 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"DiskNVCache.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskNVCache-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17744: 2012-07-09 23:07:45, Info                  CSI    00000939 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:56{28}]"DistributedLinkTracking.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DistributedLinkTracking-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17747: 2012-07-09 23:07:50, Info                  CSI    0000093b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:56{28}]"DistributedLinkTracking.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DistributedLinkTracking-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17756: 2012-07-09 23:07:51, Info                  CSI    00000941 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"DiskNVCache.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskNVCache-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17780: 2012-07-09 23:07:53, Info                  CSI    0000094b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"DigitalLocker.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DigitalLocker-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17783: 2012-07-09 23:07:53, Info                  CSI    0000094d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"DiskQuota.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskQuota-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17786: 2012-07-09 23:07:55, Info                  CSI    0000094f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"DigitalLocker.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DigitalLocker-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17795: 2012-07-09 23:07:55, Info                  CSI    00000955 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"DiskQuota.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskQuota-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17821: 2012-07-09 23:07:57, Info                  CSI    0000095f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18{9}]"DCOM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DCOM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17824: 2012-07-09 23:07:57, Info                  CSI    00000961 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"Desktop.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17827: 2012-07-09 23:07:57, Info                  CSI    00000963 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"DeviceInstallation.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DevInst-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17830: 2012-07-09 23:07:57, Info                  CSI    00000965 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DFS.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DFS-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17833: 2012-07-09 23:07:59, Info                  CSI    00000967 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"Desktop.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17842: 2012-07-09 23:07:59, Info                  CSI    0000096d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18{9}]"DCOM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DCOM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17851: 2012-07-09 23:07:59, Info                  CSI    00000973 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DFS.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DFS-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17860: 2012-07-09 23:07:59, Info                  CSI    00000979 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"DeviceInstallation.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DevInst-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17887: 2012-07-09 23:08:06, Info                  CSI    00000987 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DWM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DWM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17890: 2012-07-09 23:08:07, Info                  CSI    00000989 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"EventViewer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventViewer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17893: 2012-07-09 23:08:09, Info                  CSI    0000098b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"EncryptFilesonMove.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EncryptFilesonMove-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17896: 2012-07-09 23:08:10, Info                  CSI    0000098d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"EncryptFilesonMove.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EncryptFilesonMove-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17905: 2012-07-09 23:08:10, Info                  CSI    00000993 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"EventViewer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventViewer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17914: 2012-07-09 23:08:11, Info                  CSI    00000999 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DWM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DWM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17966: 2012-07-09 23:08:17, Info                  CSI    000009a7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"EventLog.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventLog-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17969: 2012-07-09 23:08:20, Info                  CSI    000009a9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"FileRecovery.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileRecovery-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17972: 2012-07-09 23:08:22, Info                  CSI    000009ab [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"FileRecovery.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileRecovery-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 17985: 2012-07-09 23:08:23, Info                  CSI    000009b3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"EventLog.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventLog-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18106: 2012-07-09 23:08:26, Info                  CSI    000009bd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"FolderRedirection.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-fdeploy-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18109: 2012-07-09 23:08:27, Info                  CSI    000009bf [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"FileSys.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileSys-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18112: 2012-07-09 23:08:34, Info                  CSI    000009c1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"FolderRedirection.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-fdeploy-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18121: 2012-07-09 23:08:34, Info                  CSI    000009c7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"FileSys.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileSys-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18145: 2012-07-09 23:08:37, Info                  CSI    000009d1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"GroupPolicy.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-Admin-AdmFiles.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18148: 2012-07-09 23:08:37, Info                  CSI    000009d3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Globalization.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Globalization-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18151: 2012-07-09 23:08:39, Info                  CSI    000009d5 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"GameExplorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18154: 2012-07-09 23:08:40, Info                  CSI    000009d7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"GroupPolicy.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-Admin-AdmFiles.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18163: 2012-07-09 23:08:41, Info                  CSI    000009dd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"GameExplorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18172: 2012-07-09 23:08:41, Info                  CSI    000009e3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Globalization.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Globalization-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18332: 2012-07-09 23:09:00, Info                  CSI    000009f9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"legapp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Legapp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"zh-CN", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18335: 2012-07-09 23:09:00, Info                  CSI    000009fb [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"medexp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Medexp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18338: 2012-07-09 23:09:01, Info                  CSI    000009fd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"legapp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Legapp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"zh-CN", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18347: 2012-07-09 23:09:01, Info                  CSI    00000a03 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"medexp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Medexp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18363: 2012-07-09 23:09:01, Info                  CSI    00000a0d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"parent.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Parent.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 18366: 2012-07-09 23:09:03, Info                  CSI    00000a0f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"parent.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Parent.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19127: 2012-07-09 23:11:24, Info                  CSI    00000ac6 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"CredUI.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19130: 2012-07-09 23:11:24, Info                  CSI    00000ac8 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"Explorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19133: 2012-07-09 23:11:24, Info                  CSI    00000aca [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:48{24}]"CredentialProviders.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19136: 2012-07-09 23:11:24, Info                  CSI    00000acc [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"FramePanes.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19139: 2012-07-09 23:11:26, Info                  CSI    00000ace [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"CredUI.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19143: 2012-07-09 23:11:26, Info                  CSI    00000ad1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"Explorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19147: 2012-07-09 23:11:26, Info                  CSI    00000ad4 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:48{24}]"CredentialProviders.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19151: 2012-07-09 23:11:26, Info                  CSI    00000ad7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"FramePanes.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19287: 2012-07-09 23:11:49, Info                  CSI    00000afd [SR] Cannot verify component files for Microsoft-Windows-StreamBufferEngine, Version = 6.0.6002.18363, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral, manifest may be damaged (TRUE)
 Line 19648: 2012-07-09 23:13:00, Info                  CSI    00000b43 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"cscompui.dll" of NetFx-CSharpCompilerMsg, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19652: 2012-07-09 23:13:00, Info                  CSI    00000b45 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"dv_aspnetmmc.chm" of NetFx-DV_ASPNETMMC_CHM_RES, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19655: 2012-07-09 23:13:00, Info                  CSI    00000b47 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"EventLogMessages.dll" of NetFx-EVENTLOGMESSAGES_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19659: 2012-07-09 23:13:00, Info                  CSI    00000b49 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:62{31}]"Microsoft.Build.Commontypes.xsd" of NetFx-MSBuild_Commontypes_Schema, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19663: 2012-07-09 23:13:02, Info                  CSI    00000b4b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"cscompui.dll" of NetFx-CSharpCompilerMsg, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19668: 2012-07-09 23:13:02, Info                  CSI    00000b4e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"dv_aspnetmmc.chm" of NetFx-DV_ASPNETMMC_CHM_RES, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19673: 2012-07-09 23:13:02, Info                  CSI    00000b51 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:62{31}]"Microsoft.Build.Commontypes.xsd" of NetFx-MSBuild_Commontypes_Schema, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19677: 2012-07-09 23:13:03, Info                  CSI    00000b54 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"EventLogMessages.dll" of NetFx-EVENTLOGMESSAGES_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19688: 2012-07-09 23:13:04, Info                  CSI    00000b5b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"vbc7ui.dll" of NetFx-VB_Compiler_UI, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19692: 2012-07-09 23:13:04, Info                  CSI    00000b5d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"WMINet_Utils.dll" of NetFx-WMINET_UTILS_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19696: 2012-07-09 23:13:06, Info                  CSI    00000b5f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"WMINet_Utils.dll" of NetFx-WMINET_UTILS_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19700: 2012-07-09 23:13:06, Info                  CSI    00000b62 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"vbc7ui.dll" of NetFx-VB_Compiler_UI, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19722: 2012-07-09 23:13:14, Info                  CSI    00000b6d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"I386\HPC35W6L.GPD" of prnhp001.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19725: 2012-07-09 23:13:22, Info                  CSI    00000b6f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"I386\HPC35W6L.GPD" of prnhp001.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19816: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b93 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"dimaint.sys" of divasx86.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19819: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b95 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"CtrlAltDel.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CtrlAltDel-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19822: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b97 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"CredSsp.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CredSsp-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19825: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b99 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:56{28}]"DistributedLinkTracking.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DistributedLinkTracking-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19828: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b9b [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"DiskNVCache.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskNVCache-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19831: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b9d [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"DigitalLocker.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DigitalLocker-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19834: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000b9f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"DiskQuota.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskQuota-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19837: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000ba1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"Desktop.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19840: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000ba3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18{9}]"DCOM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DCOM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19843: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000ba5 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DFS.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DFS-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19846: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000ba7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"DeviceInstallation.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DevInst-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19849: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000ba9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"EncryptFilesonMove.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EncryptFilesonMove-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19852: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000bab [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"EventViewer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventViewer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19855: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000bad [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DWM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DWM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19858: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000baf [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"FileRecovery.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileRecovery-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19861: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000bb1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"EventLog.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventLog-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19864: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000bb3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"FolderRedirection.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-fdeploy-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19867: 2012-07-09 23:13:37, Info                  CSI    00000bb5 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"FileSys.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileSys-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19870: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bb7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"GroupPolicy.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-Admin-AdmFiles.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19873: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bb9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"GameExplorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19876: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bbb [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Globalization.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Globalization-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19879: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bbd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"legapp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Legapp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"zh-CN", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19882: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bbf [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"medexp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Medexp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19885: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bc1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"parent.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Parent.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19888: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bc3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"CredUI.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19891: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bc5 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"Explorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19894: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bc7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:48{24}]"CredentialProviders.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19897: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bc9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"FramePanes.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19901: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bcb [SR] Cannot verify component files for Microsoft-Windows-StreamBufferEngine, Version = 6.0.6002.18363, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral, manifest may be damaged (TRUE)
 Line 19905: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bcd [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"cscompui.dll" of NetFx-CSharpCompilerMsg, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19909: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bcf [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"dv_aspnetmmc.chm" of NetFx-DV_ASPNETMMC_CHM_RES, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19913: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bd1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:62{31}]"Microsoft.Build.Commontypes.xsd" of NetFx-MSBuild_Commontypes_Schema, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19916: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bd3 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"EventLogMessages.dll" of NetFx-EVENTLOGMESSAGES_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19920: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bd5 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"WMINet_Utils.dll" of NetFx-WMINET_UTILS_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19923: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bd7 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"vbc7ui.dll" of NetFx-VB_Compiler_UI, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19926: 2012-07-09 23:13:38, Info                  CSI    00000bd9 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"I386\HPC35W6L.GPD" of prnhp001.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19929: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000bdb [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"Desktop.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19938: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000be1 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:40{20}]"EventLogMessages.dll" of NetFx-EVENTLOGMESSAGES_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19942: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000be4 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"DiskNVCache.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskNVCache-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19951: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000bea [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"DigitalLocker.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DigitalLocker-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19960: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000bf0 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"EventLog.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventLog-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19969: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000bf6 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"legapp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Legapp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"zh-CN", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19979: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000bfc [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"dv_aspnetmmc.chm" of NetFx-DV_ASPNETMMC_CHM_RES, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19983: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000bff [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"vbc7ui.dll" of NetFx-VB_Compiler_UI, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19987: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000c02 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"DiskQuota.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DiskQuota-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 19996: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000c08 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"GroupPolicy.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GroupPolicy-Admin-AdmFiles.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20011: 2012-07-09 23:13:39, Info                  CSI    00000c11 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"I386\HPC35W6L.GPD" of prnhp001.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20015: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c14 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"CtrlAltDel.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CtrlAltDel-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20024: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c1a [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:18{9}]"DCOM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DCOM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20033: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c20 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Globalization.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Globalization-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20042: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c26 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"medexp.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Medexp.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20052: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c2c [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:62{31}]"Microsoft.Build.Commontypes.xsd" of NetFx-MSBuild_Commontypes_Schema, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20056: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c2f [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"dimaint.sys" of divasx86.inf, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate", TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20060: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c32 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:56{28}]"DistributedLinkTracking.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DistributedLinkTracking-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20069: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c38 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DFS.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DFS-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20078: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c3e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"EventViewer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EventViewer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20087: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c44 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"FileSys.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileSys-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20096: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c4a [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"GameExplorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20105: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c50 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:22{11}]"CredUI.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20109: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c53 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:26{13}]"Explorer.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20113: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c56 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:48{24}]"CredentialProviders.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20117: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c59 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:30{15}]"FramePanes.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-Shell-GroupPolicy.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20141: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c68 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"CredSsp.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-CredSsp-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20150: 2012-07-09 23:13:40, Info                  CSI    00000c6e [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"EncryptFilesonMove.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-EncryptFilesonMove-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20159: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c74 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:16{8}]"DWM.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DWM-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20168: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c7a [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:20{10}]"parent.h1s" of Microsoft-Windows-Help-Parent.Resources, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20178: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c80 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"cscompui.dll" of NetFx-CSharpCompilerMsg, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20183: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c83 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:32{16}]"WMINet_Utils.dll" of NetFx-WMINET_UTILS_DLL, Version = 6.0.6001.18111, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope neutral, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:b03f5f7f11d50a3a}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20187: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c86 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:46{23}]"DeviceInstallation.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-DevInst-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20196: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c8c [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:34{17}]"FileRecovery.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-FileRecovery-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
 Line 20205: 2012-07-09 23:13:41, Info                  CSI    00000c92 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:44{22}]"FolderRedirection.adml" of Microsoft-Windows-fdeploy-Adm.Resources, Version = 6.0.6000.16386, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch

You will have a problem - as far as I know there is no available legitimate download of Vista with SP2 - and you cannot repair SP2 with a <SP2 disk.

The Windows Installer is irrelevant, if you're going to do a Repair install, as the Disk itself will do the installation required

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire 8930G
You asked for it :)

You will have a problem - as far as I know there is no available legitimate download of Vista with SP2 - and you cannot repair SP2 with a <SP2 disk.

The Windows Installer is irrelevant, if you're going to do a Repair install, as the Disk itself will do the installation required

Hi Noel,

If there is no Microsoft FixIt or patches to cure the errors reported by sfc_/scannow, then what should I do? Is there any 3rd party application to fix it?

Wow is 213 lines and not 35 but most of them are repetition files in other lines! I will take more times to seek them "needle in the sand". I not sure whether you know which files can be renamed and they are not part of the system booting processes. Do you?

I have done before in Win 7 Ulti 64x SP1. First ,at Program and Features, I uninstall SP1 then put the CD in cd-drive and run setup. The I select "upgrade" and then windows updates to reinstall same components and finally with SP1. I was successful and there was no more errors reported by sfc_/scannow.

Now I wish to know whether the upgrade method can be done with Vista Ultimate SP2? If yes, can I do the following steps mentioned before; WILL IT WORK SUCCESSFULLY?
1. uninstall SP2.
2. unintsall SP1.
3. Put in the CD software in cd-drive. Then run Setup.exe
4. select the "upgrade" and not "customize..."
5. Then follow the instruction and finally reboot.
6. run at Dos prompt, sfc_/scannow to see no error reported.

My Computer
