Hi Folks, I have Vista 32 on 2.33Ghz Core2 Quad Dell.
I have something running in the background everytime I turn on the computer and it doesn't seem to end.
It causes significant latency when clicking to do any task, open another web page or open a photograph in documents etc.
It sounds like it is running like a train and I don't know what it is.
When I previously had Windows 98 and anything was running I could ctrl/alt/dlt and the task manager then would make it easy for me to see what was running then.
Now with Vista a long list comes up in processes and I can see many things active so I don't know what is causing this.
There is movement in processes on: mcshield...SASCORE.....SystemIdle....WksCal...and Superantispyware
Any ideas what I can do? This seems to be recent and its really bogging things down.
Try CTRL,SHIFT ESC and check applications then Processes click memory to bring most used to the top what is there?
forget about system idle what are the other main users
Intel Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Sound Card
Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD
Monitor(s) Displays
15 inch
Screen Resolution
1280 x 800
Hard Drives
1x 180GB Intel 530 series SSD
1 x 120GB Hitachi 5400rmp
1 x 650GB Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
1x 1Tb Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
Internet Speed
Medium for New Zealand
Other Info
Weakest part of my computer is the graphics chipset.
Only ever used a laptop.
Also use USB Freeview TV Card
Lenovo Docking Station
External Speakers
Other bits a pieces as needed
From google or system look:
mcshield = mcafee [can't be stopped as long as you have mcafee]
SASCORE = superantispyware
WksCal = Microsoft Work Suite Calender
system idle = displays the amount of CPU not is use.
Some processes can be stopped although you might lose partial functionality of some of your programs. Others, particularly firewalls and anti-virus, cannot. How much memory do you have? What do you usually do with your computer?
Thanks for the replies............when I hit memory system idle is the top one and at 73 and the only other ones seemingly moving are sascore and wkscal....something is really wrong as this never did this before a couple of days ago...........it sounds like there is a train running in my computer.
Also Firefox is crashing when it never ever did before, and it will only open once and if I close it it will not open again.........I have to reboot......I don't know if that info can help trouble shoot this.
Thanks again
Also as a user I just surf the web and answer e-mail.....I don't play games or do any heavy cpu user things, I do watch youtube vids sometimes however.
run msconfig.exe. In the Services tab, checkmark the box to hide all Microsoft services and then checkmark the box to disable all other services. In the Startup tab, checkmark the box to disable all startup items. Reboot. Does the problem still occur?
My Firefox and my e-mail will only open once from the desktop icon now after starting up the computer. If I close either one they will not re-open without rebooting.
If I go to processes and end the Firefox task it still will not re-open the browser.
My Firefox is also freezing during surfing which never happened before. It sounds like there is a train running on my computer and I can't find out what it is.
These are all good ideas and you should try them all. System idle is how long your computer is doing nothing so you can forget that.
You could go to services.msc and stop super antispyware from running all the time. Just use it as a scanner every couple of days. It only really looks for advertising cookies and they won't really harm your computer.
Temp check would be one of my first things then the clean boot.
Intel Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family
Sound Card
Conexant 20561 SmartAudio HD
Monitor(s) Displays
15 inch
Screen Resolution
1280 x 800
Hard Drives
1x 180GB Intel 530 series SSD
1 x 120GB Hitachi 5400rmp
1 x 650GB Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
1x 1Tb Western Digital Elements 5400rpm
Internet Speed
Medium for New Zealand
Other Info
Weakest part of my computer is the graphics chipset.
Only ever used a laptop.
Also use USB Freeview TV Card
Lenovo Docking Station
External Speakers
Other bits a pieces as needed
System idle is the amount of CPU usage NOT in use. So if system idle says 73% then only 27% is in use. In other words you really don't have to worry about system idle unless that number is really low.
Stopping the superantisypware service is a good idea and it might fix your problem however if that doesn't help I suggest that you scan your computer for viruses. You might also look at the processes that have the highest CPU usage.