Frank C
Did I make mistake?
I Use Windows Backup and Restore center to backup my computer monthly.
These backups go to an external network drive. These backup files have been accumulating
since 2009-04-15. To conserve space, I thought it would be OK to delete the oldest files
(2009) . I did so. Now I wonder if this was a mistake. If the backup incremental I no longer
have the original base. Should I start over and do a complete system backup now and then
continue with monthly backups? If I do this can I delete all of the 2010 and 2011 backups?
Frank C
Vista Ultimate 64 bit SP2
I Use Windows Backup and Restore center to backup my computer monthly.
These backups go to an external network drive. These backup files have been accumulating
since 2009-04-15. To conserve space, I thought it would be OK to delete the oldest files
(2009) . I did so. Now I wonder if this was a mistake. If the backup incremental I no longer
have the original base. Should I start over and do a complete system backup now and then
continue with monthly backups? If I do this can I delete all of the 2010 and 2011 backups?
Frank C
Vista Ultimate 64 bit SP2