New Member
About a week ago my computer got a virus which resulted in the security center not opening. After running malware to get rid of the virus I ended up having to use system restore. I restored to a week or two prior and it seemed to fix the problem. However, I soon began noticing new problems. When I open a program, either from the desktop or start menu, a window would pop up asking how to open it. I had to select the program from program files to open just about anything. A problem I have been coming across is not all programs listed in my start menu are the same as the ones listed in program files. A lot of them occur in one but not the other, making it difficult to open much. I tried using Skype yesterday and it gave me a window saying it couldn't find the file and didn't give me the option of another way to open it. I tried redownloading Skype, and it couldn't find a program to open the download with. My computer is starting to run slower and act really confused. I was going to attempt another system restore but the program file is not showing up to open backup and restore. Please help!