Hi everyone I have a huge puzzle...I'm trying to install Vista home premium x64 on my Acer netbook.I found a tutorial how to make the flash drive bootable and followed it step by step everything worked fine then copied and past there the vista instalation disk and booted...it starts perfectly...it boots from the usb it starts loading the windows files but then it comes the trouble...it tells me that I'm missing some files in the windows and can't continue the install.I tried with 4 different windows's and everytime the same...I tried with both x64 and x32 bit and also with both home premium and ultimate...the same result.The flash drive should be ok because it boots and the windows loads at first...I also tried with and without running the bootsect.exe before I copy the Windows on the flash drive...the same result again.I just don't know what seems to be the problem...please help...I'm relly stock on that