Can this work and does anyone have an easy step by step guide to doing it? The Acer has so many hardware problems it's not even funny and I got 4 Dell gx280's without hard drives for free.
Yha, harddrives are not computer specific... As long as you have the cables/connections youre fine.
Your error is because you are trying to use the Acers windows in a non Acer system, which is against the TOA, You have to format anbd reinstal the dells Windows.
Yha, harddrives are not computer specific... As long as you have the cables/connections youre fine...
Yha, harddrives are not computer specific... As long as you have the cables/connections youre fine...
This is usually true however dell is infamous for doing sometimes restricting computer parts to only those released by them.Nothing wrong in trying however Windows will have to be reinstalled with your dell disks.
Don't have Dell disks (see above). What can I do to make this work?