My administrator account in Vista Home premium is called "Andrea".
I stupidly hid my "Andrea" administrator account by following this procedure:
Now every time I log on into Windows VISTA i can't see my "Andrea" administrator account anymore. So I can only log in to a simple user account.
I haven't been able to fix this problem by editing the registry or by activating the super Administrator through the prompt of commands.
the problem is that VISTA user account control prevents me from doing the very actions which would solve the problem, that is, editing , in regedit, the string i created in order to hide the administrator Andrea account or managing to conclude succesfully any procedure on command .
I can't even restore the system because again I get the user account control and I can't do anything. no way I can fill in my user or password. there's no option available in the window of the user control..
please help me, I can't really get hold of my administrator Andrea account anymore!
thanks in advance
My administrator account in Vista Home premium is called "Andrea".
I stupidly hid my "Andrea" administrator account by following this procedure:
Now every time I log on into Windows VISTA i can't see my "Andrea" administrator account anymore. So I can only log in to a simple user account.
I haven't been able to fix this problem by editing the registry or by activating the super Administrator through the prompt of commands.
the problem is that VISTA user account control prevents me from doing the very actions which would solve the problem, that is, editing , in regedit, the string i created in order to hide the administrator Andrea account or managing to conclude succesfully any procedure on command .
I can't even restore the system because again I get the user account control and I can't do anything. no way I can fill in my user or password. there's no option available in the window of the user control..
please help me, I can't really get hold of my administrator Andrea account anymore!
thanks in advance