Hi. I will try to get this in simple as I can.
I have vista home prem. on laptop, acer 5420 4 gig ram, T58 proc's
1.____The drive won't start, boot sector is corrupt. Can I....
can I slave this drive & put the install disk in the cp & copy the boot sector
from the disk to the slaved vista home prem program?
What copy command? dos dummy...
I have already slaved the drive & I deleted the corrupt boot files, right or wrong I did it.
My Vista install disks do NOT have repair on them.
I have downloaded numerous "Repair disks" & they will not boot. Only thing I could get to boot was
a win7 repair disk as I understand that vista & win7 have somewhat interchangeable bits & bytes.
I have run bootrec.exe to no avail & chkdsk/f and a few others.
This drive has a lot of stuff on it & don't really want to start over.
below is probably why I cannot edit the boot sector files..
2._____ I have files that are locked & I did not lock them, how do I remove this? I saw this when I was doing a virus scan 80% of the files are locked, I think it to be a virus of some sort?
adhd & "Pathways" do not go together very well thanks for your help..I hope. cut....
I have vista home prem. on laptop, acer 5420 4 gig ram, T58 proc's
1.____The drive won't start, boot sector is corrupt. Can I....
can I slave this drive & put the install disk in the cp & copy the boot sector
from the disk to the slaved vista home prem program?
What copy command? dos dummy...
I have already slaved the drive & I deleted the corrupt boot files, right or wrong I did it.
My Vista install disks do NOT have repair on them.
I have downloaded numerous "Repair disks" & they will not boot. Only thing I could get to boot was
a win7 repair disk as I understand that vista & win7 have somewhat interchangeable bits & bytes.
I have run bootrec.exe to no avail & chkdsk/f and a few others.
This drive has a lot of stuff on it & don't really want to start over.
below is probably why I cannot edit the boot sector files..
2._____ I have files that are locked & I did not lock them, how do I remove this? I saw this when I was doing a virus scan 80% of the files are locked, I think it to be a virus of some sort?
adhd & "Pathways" do not go together very well thanks for your help..I hope. cut....