hello! I've been using windows movie maker on my Vista pc for a long time now...so I am adept at Movie Maker...
Recently, when adding a few .wmv's to movie maker, after I edit what I need, add transitions, finalize the movie onto my computer, and play the created movie, usually more often now than before, the movie gets stuck somewhere, or the sound goes silent, or the movie goes black, as if nothing was there in the movie, but there was!
I have plenty of space on my pc. What do I need to do t fix this problem? thank you for your help.
I did not have this trouble for the past 3 years...It has happened recently, for the past 4 months.....Could it all be due to one of the vista updates that have been automatically downloaded on my PC? how do I fix this?
Recently, when adding a few .wmv's to movie maker, after I edit what I need, add transitions, finalize the movie onto my computer, and play the created movie, usually more often now than before, the movie gets stuck somewhere, or the sound goes silent, or the movie goes black, as if nothing was there in the movie, but there was!
I have plenty of space on my pc. What do I need to do t fix this problem? thank you for your help.
I did not have this trouble for the past 3 years...It has happened recently, for the past 4 months.....Could it all be due to one of the vista updates that have been automatically downloaded on my PC? how do I fix this?