User Documents Folder Contents Disappear


User Documents Folder Contents Disappear (Junction Points)

Hello, I’m currently experiencing a peculiar issue that I probably caused myself. I hope some one can help me in solving this issue thanks. In my user directory I found and extra folder called “My Documents” along with my original folder “Documents”. I tried to open it but I couldn’t, it said I didn’t have permission. I noticed that the folder wasn’t empty like other folders but it said it had 0 bytes, so then I decided to delete it. After deleting the folder I had no problems I emptied my Recycling Bin and didn’t affect my original “Documents” folder. The next time I emptied my Recycling Bin my “Documents” folders contents got deleted. Now when ever I empty my Recycling Bin the contents of My Documents folder get deleted.

Does anyone know how to fix this, to stop from my Documents contents been deleted every time I empty my Recycling Bin. I don’t really care about the files that got deleted because they weren’t important. I few things to note I can’t do a system restore because I’ve never needed it and so is turned off. I cant undeleted any files because I did a 7 pass Secure file deletion. Any help and info is appreciated, thanks in advance.

I've been reading up on this and seems like I might have deleted a Junction Point any one know any thing about this how to restore it?
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I'll try that thanks. I checked my Juction Directory and found this
02/19/2007 06:44 PM <JUNCTION> $RK46TMB [C:\Users\User\Documents]
Seems like it's sending it to the Recycling Bin

My Computer

That might be the best idea. Test with a new user account and see how that goes. If it works, transfer your programs etc over to the new account. Then delete the old account.

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Darn I didn't want to do that this account has to many configurations. I'll give that a try though. How would I go about transferring my stuff over to the other account or what can I transfer what will I lose. Thanks for the help I appreciate it.

My Computer

If you dont want to go that way, lets wait a while maybe we can come up with another idea.
Do you have a Vista install DVD?

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    DSL provided by ATT
Another idea, would you be interested in not sending to recycle bin when you delete?
This might solve the problem.
or try this
Unhide the hidden folders
Hidden Files and Folders
Be sure to untick hide protected files and folders and also hidden files and folders. Be sure to tick them again when done or you will really have problems
Then look in the recycle bin, the deletions that you made may still be there.
Lets only hope
If they are, just right click and hit return to original location.

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    DSL provided by ATT
I'm not sure I would have to look for it but I do have a recovery drive on my computer. I already try looking there $RK46TMB folder specifically, but I've already emptied my recycling bin. The contents of My Documents folder will be deleted only when I empty my recycling bin.

Like I mention before seems like my Documents get directed to my recycling bin and when i empty it so do my documents. I need a way to change
<JUNCTION> $RK46TMB [C:\Users\Juan\Documents] to <JUNCTION> Documents [C:\Users\Juan\Documents] I just don't know how.

My Computer

If none of my preivous ideas are suitable, the only way that I know would be to create a new account. The give the new account permissions for the folders, programs etc that you want access to.

For Seven and Vista
Sharing and Permissions - Windows 7 Forums

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
Darn I didn't want to do that this account has to many configurations. I'll give that a try though. How would I go about transferring my stuff over to the other account or what can I transfer what will I lose. Thanks for the help I appreciate it.

Have a look at this tutorial, hopefully it will help ....
What to do with a corrupt user profile and how to copy files to the new user account
Fix a corrupted user profile

note : ( excerpt )
After you create the profile, you can copy the files from the existing profile. You must have at least three user accounts on the computer to complete these steps, including the new account you just created.

My Computer

Thanks, to everyone who helped me out. I decided to reinstall the os. It's the first reinstall since I got this computer and never had any problems till now, still runs like when I first got it. Well thanks again.

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT