I should be given 1 billion USD from bill gates for this mess.
I literally tried everything I could to undo the READ ONLY from files, folders, and everything in between. I followed tutorials, I went into safety mode, I used the dos command prompt "CACLS files /e /p {USERNAME}:{PERMISSION}". I changed administrator options, I changed the registry, I literally did every last thing you can do that these sorry vista programmers put in place; yet STILL I can not WRITE TO A FILE!!! I really despise apple and the hipsters that jump on board just because they think its cool, but jesus mary joseph of christ and moses, this is a good enough reason to switch to apple, then take a shotgun to every vista copy ever made and shoot each one individually and then burn them in a bonfire for no less than 200 hours while laughing maniacally.
I have been fumed before with windows, but this has gone above and beyond. I need write permissions and it is literally impossible to do.
What can I do? Are there any other steps? Is there any solution for this mess?
I literally tried everything I could to undo the READ ONLY from files, folders, and everything in between. I followed tutorials, I went into safety mode, I used the dos command prompt "CACLS files /e /p {USERNAME}:{PERMISSION}". I changed administrator options, I changed the registry, I literally did every last thing you can do that these sorry vista programmers put in place; yet STILL I can not WRITE TO A FILE!!! I really despise apple and the hipsters that jump on board just because they think its cool, but jesus mary joseph of christ and moses, this is a good enough reason to switch to apple, then take a shotgun to every vista copy ever made and shoot each one individually and then burn them in a bonfire for no less than 200 hours while laughing maniacally.
I have been fumed before with windows, but this has gone above and beyond. I need write permissions and it is literally impossible to do.
What can I do? Are there any other steps? Is there any solution for this mess?