Re: synatics Pointind Device
I have a Synaptics pointing device also, and found that setting the customization options made major changes in how the touchpad and mouse responded. Here are my settings --- why don't you experiment with yours? You might be pleasantly surprised.
Right click Desktop to open Personalize
Scroll down and select: MOUSE POINTERS; this opens MOUSE PROPERTIES page.
Select: Right-Handed (or Left-Handed if you’re left handed.)
DOUBLE CLICK SPEED: (I set the slider to the slowest setting. If set too fast, double clicks won’t open files.)
Click Lock: No
Scheme: To make pointer larger, select Windows Standard (extra large)
Customize: Select other pointers (hour glass, etc)
Select a POINTER SPEED: (I set mine at the fastest – makes the touchpad fly. This technically controls the mouse buttons, but also makes the touchpad feel faster.)
Check: Enhance pointer precision
In the Visibility section, check: Hide pointer while typing
Click the Settings bar:
Click on Overview to open the tree and read the overview of the controls.
TAPPING: (I set mine to ‘No’ but check ‘Yes’ if you want to utilize the Tapping function.)
BUTTONS: Double click on Buttons to open the tree and set the controls:
Left Button Action: Primary Click
Right Button Action: Secondary Click
VIRTUAL SCROLLING: Double click on Virtual Scrolling to open the tree and set the controls:
Check: Enable vertical scrolling and horizontal scrolling
Coasting: No
Edge motion when scrolling: No
SCROLLING SPEED: Set slider for scrolling speed. (I set mine at the slowest setting.)
SCROLLING SELECTION: (I checked: Scroll item under Pointer, for a broader scrolling area)
EDGE MOTION: Select the Edge Motion you want. (I chose Perform Edge Motion when pointing and dragging.)
Select your Edge Motion Region and Edge Motion Speed. (I selected: Control motion with finger and set my slider at medium-slow.)
Constrained Motion: No
Slow Motion: No
Sticky Borders: No
SENSITIVITY: Double click on Sensitivity to open the tree and set the controls:
Double click on the + icon to open tree
PALM CHECK: (I left my Palm Check at the default spot, near center but a little toward Maximum. If mouse gets erratic, increase toward Maximum. If mouse is not responsive to certain clicks, decrease toward Minimum)
Light Touch – (I set my toward the most sensitive -- all the way toward Light Touch.)
Click on Apply, and then OK.