Hello and welcome to the Vista Forums!
Startups can be started from many places in the registry, but this is not the easiest thing to do. Far easier is to use a
startup folder.
Do you know where these .exes actually are? Try to find them now, otherwise, we can help you to find them.
Then decide whether you want them to start for all users, or just yourself. Probably just yourself.
Start > All Program > right click on Startup and choose "Open" for just you, or "Open all Users" for everybody. In the folder which opens, right click in it > New > Shortcut, and point to the .exe.
You have now created a startup
To create one for a website, you can also use a shortcut. This is slightly harder. If you don't know how, just tell me which program you use to browse the web, and I or someone else will help you.
Best of luck!