I have a rather sick Lenovo R61 running Vista Business 32 SP1.
It will only boot in restricted mode.
When a normal start up is run, it shows the moving bar whilst loading, then everything goes dead.
All lights out even with the power cord plugged in.
The only way to get the power light lit is to unplug the power cord and plug it back in again.
I have unflagged all the entries in the start up which leave only Vista drivers to load.
This means that the failure to boot normally is one of the Vista drivers etc. which restricted mode does not load, but which normal boot does.
The last file loaded in the NTBTLOG.TXT is the MONITOR.SYS
I am trying to fire up the missing Vista drivers etc. one by one in safe mode.
Am I investigating this the correct way, and if so, how do I do it?
Help appreciated.
It will only boot in restricted mode.
When a normal start up is run, it shows the moving bar whilst loading, then everything goes dead.
All lights out even with the power cord plugged in.
The only way to get the power light lit is to unplug the power cord and plug it back in again.
I have unflagged all the entries in the start up which leave only Vista drivers to load.
This means that the failure to boot normally is one of the Vista drivers etc. which restricted mode does not load, but which normal boot does.
The last file loaded in the NTBTLOG.TXT is the MONITOR.SYS
I am trying to fire up the missing Vista drivers etc. one by one in safe mode.
Am I investigating this the correct way, and if so, how do I do it?
Help appreciated.