Re: Trouble with typing keyes
Hi Lamichele,
Welcome to Vista Forums!
Chaosrealm93 has pretty much covered the situation. This sounds very much like the result of a spill of some sort (or even crumbs dropping in if you were eating over the computer and mostly on that side or possibly dust or particles getting in depending on the environment where it is used).
What is the manufacturer, make, and precise and complete model of the computer? I'd like to examine the troubleshooting guidelines and also see how complicated it is to remove and "clean" out the keyboard with a can of air (or other options if they provide them) to see if that works before spending money on a repair or replacement (and to see if you can just order the part and do the exchange yourself, thus saving time and money).
If you're having trouble with that many keys, then I recommend you replace the entire keyboard (including the keys as well as the keyboard base) rather than try to do it key-by-key - it will be simpler and probably cheaper as well. I'm not even sure the manufacturer will give you a choice anyway.
I'm convinced this is NOT a software problem or that it has anything to do with Vista or anything you installed. This seems to be entirely a hardware issue. If you know someone with a USB keyboard you can borrow, give it a try and see if it has the same trouble - I'll bet it works fine. If it does have the same problem, then post back as that would be quite surprising and the problem may lie elsewhere (though I'm not sure where that could be at this point).
I hope this helps.
Good luck!