The fix will probably be harder than a Repair Install, but I understand that slipstreaming Vista SP2 is difficult. We can have a shot at fixing, just to see if your computer has the information we need. Unfortunately, we are struggling to identify where
dba062876c956a25f1d4f8086b2e73f6 has come from. I don't have it on my system. I extracted KB967723, but no joy still.
We need to analyse your system, to see where it has come from. Different hardware and languages, and different states of update explains why I don't happen to have this exact one. Can you please tell me what language your system is in (perhaps it is not en-us) and whether you have all updates installed? Does Windows Update work?
Right, please do the following:
Now paste in (must use Right Click > Paste, Ctrl-V does NOT work in Command Prompt) the following, one at a time, pressing enter after each one.
dir C:\Windows\Servicing\Packages /s > %UserProfile%\Desktop\log1.txt
dir C:\Windows\WinSxS /s > %UserProfile%\Desktop\log2.txt
Download the Freeware RegBak from here:
Acelogix Software - Download products
Run it, and make a backup.
Navigate to C:\Windows\RegBak\{Date}\ and copy the COMPONENTS file to your Desktop.
Highlight all three files (log1.txt, log2.txt, COMPONENTS) and right click on one of them > Send to > Compressed (zipped) archive.
Now upload this zip file to
Speedy Share - upload your files here
Once you have done this, copy the link, and send me a Private Message containing the link. You can PM me from this link: