Being 10 years old, the chances that it has drivers which will work with Vista are virtually nil - so I'm a bit doubful we can pull this off but we can at least do our best to check. What is the manufacturer, make, and precise model of the Palm corder? What is the manufacturer, make, and precise model of your laptop? What type of connection does the palm corder currently have?
You don't need Movie Maker just for viewing - only for editing (and then, only specific file types). For viewing, just use Windows Media Player (though you may need to convert the files depending on their format - or they may be a format that can't be converted - I'm not sure as I don't know enough about the device yet). You may also need some 3rd party viewing software, but I'm not yet sure as I don't have the details requested above. Here's more info on Windows Media Player:
Getting started with Windows Media Player (and don't forget to check out the other links with more information so you can learn most of the ins and outs of the program).
Movie Maker does not come with Vista Basic.
Entertainment - Windows Vista features - Microsoft Windows.
If it were me, I would take a look at Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 which is part of Windows Essentials 2011
Windows Live Movie Maker 2011. This may actually be a better product than what comes with versions that do include Movie Maker - it is IMHO (and is still free). When you download this new version, consider the other options available with Essentials 2011. I downloaded them all myself and while I haven't used them all yet, those I have I've found to be very good and better than what they replaced - but that's another issue and not your question (and you can always get the others later if you just want to try this one which does apply for now).
I hope this at least helps you get started. When you answer ALL my questions, then I'll try to find out if it is possible to do this (though such information may be hard to find given its age - so I'll do what I can but no promises).
Good luck!