Hi, please can someone help me, my Vaio laptop (working on Vista) which is only over 1 year old has developed 'fizzy' lines beneath the task bar. At first there was just one but now there appear to be four or five, they tend to flash - any idea as to what they are or more importantly how to get rid of them.
My friend suggested I simply restore it to a previous date but she knows even less than me about computers...and that's difficult. I apologise in advance for been such a dunce!
We may need System Restore eventually, but we are not there yet
Go to device manager (type those words in search) Make sure that your graphics driver is up to date and working properly
Download and run malwarebytes. Run a full scan and update first
Run an anti virus scan.
Although, I do not think that malware is the problem this is always a good place to start, before bigger problems develope.
Type event viewer in search and look for errors that may explain this problem