I need some help--please!!!!! I have Vista Home Basic on a Acer Laptop.
I wiped my hard drive clean to have a new H.D. put in. Now, I do not have the enteries that I made on Windows Live Mail Calender. How do I get this info. back (re-install?). Also, I deleted my Contacts and My Documents file. I run my life with these files. I am at a loss!!!! Help would be greaty appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
I wiped my hard drive clean to have a new H.D. put in. Now, I do not have the enteries that I made on Windows Live Mail Calender. How do I get this info. back (re-install?). Also, I deleted my Contacts and My Documents file. I run my life with these files. I am at a loss!!!! Help would be greaty appreciated. Thanks in advance!!