I've changed my theme and font sizes, however in the Control Panel the font size is really small... Does anyone know if this can be done and if so how do I do this?
Here are ALL my hints for changing font size. Hopefully, at least one of them will work in your Control Panel.
1. This is the main setting tool for setting font sizes. Right-click on the Desktop and go to Personalize, Window Color and Appearance. Click on Advanced, and in the drop-down menu, at the very bottom, select Window. This is the setting that controls the Control Panel, but unfortunately, it does not give us an option to change the font size. But try some of the others to see if you can get the font size changed there.
2. DPI - Right click on Desktop, Personalize, On Personalization Page, go to left column to: Adjust Font size – DPI, DPI Scaling: Click on Large scale (120 DPI), and click Apply.
3. At the lower right hand corner of every IE web page, there’s a Zoom control that lets you increase the size of every web page, and it stays at that Zoom setting for every page.
4. Open Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options, General, Accessibility, Select Ignore font styles specified on web pages, check boxes and click OK, then Apply, then OK.
5. Open Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, uncheck all three: Reset text size to Medium for new windows and tabs, and Reset text size to Medium while Zooming, and Reset Zoom level to 100% for new windows and tabs
6. Open Internet Explorer, click the Page button, click Text Size, and then select the size you want i.e. Large (Largest may be too large).
7. Ease of Access Center – Go to: Control Panel, and Explore all settings. Under the following heading, Make things on the screen larger, select: Change the size of text + icons. This takes you to the dpi settings screen.
8. If you have a scroll wheel on your mouse, use command/ctrl + your scroll on a web page to increase the font size.
9. Magnifier – For those instances when you need to magnify a certain portion of the screen - go to Start, in the Search pane, type in "magnifier" + click the program at the top. (To read more about Magnifier go to Start, click "Help & Support" on the right hand side, type in "magnifier.") Magnifier is actually located at: Start, All Programs, Accessories, Ease of Access, Magnifier.
(Open Internet Explorer, Internet Options, Appearance, Fonts, How to ignore present fonts - The notes refer you to numbers 3, 5, 6 and 8).
To increase font size permanently in FireFox: go to Tools, Options, Content, and on that screen set the new default text size that you wish. Then, click Advanced and there are additional default text size settings. Plus, in the box that says "Minimum text size" select None, and down below, UNcheck the box that says "allow pages to choose their own fonts instead of my selections above." Also, see this link: nosquint