My Dell Inspiron laptop is two years old. I have been having huge amounts of problems with it culminating in it sticking in the Startup Repair screen a few days ago, i tried all the advice on the web and had to restore it to Factory Settings in the hope of ever getting it working again. I have lost all my music and photos but thought at least the laptop would work again. WRONG. Since I restored it, it will not connect to the Internet, if I go to connect to wifi- i hover over the Internet icon and it says Connection Status Unknown, Access is denied, then if I click on it, it detects all wireless networks but if I click on mine, it immediately says Windows cannot connect to ..... Other problems include that I am unable to get complete Administration control and therefore cannot delete my out of date McAfee programme which I suspect is behind a few problems. McAfee is randomly flashing across the screen at various times. This laptop is driving me insane, I have tried to follow the advice on the web for accessing the hidden Administrator in Vista but though I tried all options- command promt, trying to get at it from safe mode and trying to get at it through Administration Tools, nothing has worked.I'm at the end of my tether here, please please help!!!