Hello forum,
My query concerns above. My main C Drive(OS) has 158GB free out of 221GB so I probably should not be worrying and my PC runs like a Formula 1 car. My questions: (1) I believe it is unwise to Compress the Hard Drive..yes ? but is there
any advantage in compressing ALL files and folders ? I know they can be uncompressed if needed quite easily.
(2) Windows has installed well over a 100 updates in the past month or so even though my settings are set to letting me choose. These must be taking up Hard
Drive space. I know the important ones are required but would there be any advantage in removing Optional and Recommended updates to free space ?
My system is Windows Vista Home Premium (64bit) on a HP HDX 18 Laptop and I am very happy with everything in general. Might sound like heresy but I actually like Vista and find it works fine :D
My query concerns above. My main C Drive(OS) has 158GB free out of 221GB so I probably should not be worrying and my PC runs like a Formula 1 car. My questions: (1) I believe it is unwise to Compress the Hard Drive..yes ? but is there
any advantage in compressing ALL files and folders ? I know they can be uncompressed if needed quite easily.
(2) Windows has installed well over a 100 updates in the past month or so even though my settings are set to letting me choose. These must be taking up Hard
Drive space. I know the important ones are required but would there be any advantage in removing Optional and Recommended updates to free space ?
My system is Windows Vista Home Premium (64bit) on a HP HDX 18 Laptop and I am very happy with everything in general. Might sound like heresy but I actually like Vista and find it works fine :D