Question re: Windows Backup


I have Vista Home Premium 32bit.

Just did my first backup onto an external hard drive using Windows Backup.

I find that the backup was done exclusively using zip files.

If I put the cursor on one of the zip files, it says WinRAR ZIP Archive.

This is a surprise - I saw nothing in the instructions stating that the backup would be in zip files.
I used to do a complete backup without using the Windows Backup system, and I would see each file backed up in the same file type as the original.

I'm very uncomfortable with these zip files - I wanted to glance over the Windows Backup and make sure of what has been included.

Also if I ever wanted to search for a file I would have to remember the exact name of the file to restore it using this system.
If I can see all of the files, I could go to the time period that the file was made (Date Modified or Date Created) and locate it that way. Or other visual methods.

1) Is there a way I can get the Windows Backup to backup the data in the same file type as the originals?

A few other questions:

2) Everything I've read about this states that Windows will keep track of files that I add or modify.
What if I delete files?
Will the Windows Backup update backups also Delete the files from the backup that I've deleted from my harddrive?

3) I used an External Harddrive to store the Backup. I have a laptop, and although I set a schedule for the next backup, I do not keep the Ext. HDD plugged into my laptop.
What will happen when the time arrives for the next scheduled backup, and the Ext. HDD is not plugged in?
Will it simply do the update the next time I plug in the Ext. HDD?

Will it keep giving me popups telling me that the Ext. HDD is not plugged in and thus cannot do the scheduled backup?
If so, anyway to avoid this?


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System One System Two

  • Operating System
    Intel E8400
    ASRock1333-GLAN R2.0
    4gb DDR2 800
    Graphics card(s)
    nvidia 9500GT 1gb
  • Operating System
    intel i5-8400
    gigabyte b365m ds3h
    ballistix 2x8gb 3200
Thanks for your comments and prompt response.
I'd still be grateful for answers to my specific questions, which were numbered in my op.

"There are several tutorials on this site about windows backup."

Just looked them over, but found none which answered my specific questions.

"If you like to see all the backed files... use something else."

Does this comment mean that Windows Backup always backs up using zip files (WinRAR ZIP Archive), and that there is no way to have it backup otherwise?

"If you like to sure the ones [files] you have deleted are not also deleted during Windows incremental backup, use something else."

Actually, I WOULD like the files I delete on my C Drive to also be deleted when I do a Windows incremental backup.

My question was:
"2) Everything I've read about this states that Windows will keep track of files that I add or modify.
What if I delete files?
Will the Windows Backup update [incremental] backups also Delete the files from the backup that I've deleted from my harddrive?"

Does your comment mean that the answer to my question is that files which I delete from my harddrive WILL be deleted also from my Windows Backup when I do incremental backups?

Would be grateful if you or someone else could answer my specific questions above and in my op.

"This free app. is excellent: Karen's Replicator "

Thanks for the suggestion. Will look it over.

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