I have just installed a program called Voicemail Recorder from MyHeplpHub via a Trent Steel Newsletter - I paid for it and I received an email which had a link to download and use the program.
I can not get this program to work - it opens, it records but when you press the send button the program freezes and I have to use Ctrl + Alt + Delete to exit the program.
I have contacted the myhelphub site and so far I have had no help in resolving the issue.
Has anyone on this site had the same problem and how did it get resolved?
Hoping someone has the answer
Try running this program with administrative privileges, or try running it in safe mode (repeatedly press f8 after bios screen disappears). Im not too sure how to trouble shoot this problem, as i have never used this program before.
Good morning Katokato - sorry for the delay in answering.
I tried running it in administrative privileges - no joy. I then did a rather stupid thing (in hindsight) I decided to take the program off completelly and try to see if I installed it again the "bug" would have gone.
Relly stupid because when I went to download via the email link key that I received when I purchased the program MyHelpHub instructed me that I had used the key and that link no longer works.
This new selfinflicted "problem" has been added to my HelpHub
Sorry Katokato the whole message was not displayed - it should have went on
This new self inflicted "problem" has been added to MyHelpHub support ticket and I have been informed since my initial ticket - it has been escalated three times to other people in the organization and the final escalation was to Manager.
The first support ticket to MyHelpHub was issued on 25 April 2010 so far I have not received a solution to the problem and so far no reply to my request for a new key to download a fresh program.