Vista will not start in recovery mode


New Member
I have been having a problem with Vista for the last few weeks. Every morning it goes into the System Recovery Mode where it usually starts but today it will not start from this point.

I get a message almost identical to the following:

Problem Event Name: StartupRepairV2
Problem Signature 01: AutoFailover
Problem Signature 02: 6.0.6001.18000.6.0.6001.18000
Problem Signature 03: 6
Problem Signature 04: 1245203
Problem Signature 05: CorruptFile
Problem Signature 06: CorruptFile
Problem Signature 07: 3221225624
Problem Signature 08: 2
Problem Signature 09: SystemRestore
Problem Signature 10: 0
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033

I cannot get it to start in safe mode either as pressing F8 only allows me to choose either hard drive or CD. Tried pressing F8 again but nothing. If I go into the Command Prompt option it comes up with the X drive and not C.

I can see an awful lot of people have this problem. Has anyone actually fixed this?


My Computer

If pressing F8 gives you a choice of hard drive or CD - you're probably pressing the key too early in the boot sequence. Don't start tapping the F8 key until the first splash screen goes away (the one with the computer/motherboard make on it).

Startup Repair refers to a corrupt file - which could be anything.
I'd suggest starting with these free diagnostic tests:
H/W Diagnostics:
Please start by running these bootable hardware diagnostics:
Memory Diagnostics (read the details at the link)
HD Diagnostic (read the details at the link)

My Computer
