nuthin fancy
New Member
I turned on my pc earlier today once it booted it was froze on a blue screen 1st instinct was so reset and reboot. once I did that I got the windows was shut down incorrectly would I like to run in safe mode or normal I selected safe mode and now the system just kept looping back to this same page after rebooting, regardless which option I selected. At this point I deceided to get the restore cd and try to restore (since this pc is only 2 weeks old I don't care to lose data to start clean from scratch). When I try to boot from cd I get the blue screen error again. it seemd like every time I try It again I get a differend blue screen error. So far I have got.
Page fault in nonpaged area
memory managment
I also wanted to add that I purchased the pc and did some upgrades I aded a radeon 5450 hd video card and a asus bluray player. once this started hapening and it worked fine for 2 weeks I removed both of the upgrades and returned machine back to stock to see if it was any of that hardware that was causing the issue but that didn't help either.
Is there anyway to just wipe this thing and start over from scratch ?
Page fault in nonpaged area
memory managment
I also wanted to add that I purchased the pc and did some upgrades I aded a radeon 5450 hd video card and a asus bluray player. once this started hapening and it worked fine for 2 weeks I removed both of the upgrades and returned machine back to stock to see if it was any of that hardware that was causing the issue but that didn't help either.
Is there anyway to just wipe this thing and start over from scratch ?