Kay, this is my first post, so sorry if I muck up in some way. ^^'
Right, I've got the infamous "green bar problem" when publishing my videos from Windows Movie Maker, and after trawling through countless forums and trying out their solutions, nothing's worked. I've tried unchecking all the filters, including Xvid and DivX, and it's either not worked or got rid of the picture altogether so I just have a blank screen. I've also tried downloading Xvid and enabling the Compatibility Renderer in the Decoder's Output Options, which seems to have solved the problem for everyone else, and hey, what a surprise, it didn't work. Does anyone have any other solutions that haven't been mentioned here that have maybe worked for them or someone else? Making videos on WMM is a big hobby for me, and I really don't want to have to give it up because of this.
Also - sorry if you ask anything about my system or something and I either say I don't know or I'm very vague - I'm kind of clueless about it. <:P
Thanks in advance.
Right, I've got the infamous "green bar problem" when publishing my videos from Windows Movie Maker, and after trawling through countless forums and trying out their solutions, nothing's worked. I've tried unchecking all the filters, including Xvid and DivX, and it's either not worked or got rid of the picture altogether so I just have a blank screen. I've also tried downloading Xvid and enabling the Compatibility Renderer in the Decoder's Output Options, which seems to have solved the problem for everyone else, and hey, what a surprise, it didn't work. Does anyone have any other solutions that haven't been mentioned here that have maybe worked for them or someone else? Making videos on WMM is a big hobby for me, and I really don't want to have to give it up because of this.
Also - sorry if you ask anything about my system or something and I either say I don't know or I'm very vague - I'm kind of clueless about it. <:P
Thanks in advance.