hp deskjet 930c


New Member
Hi, my niece has this printer and when I first setup the computer for her, it might have been before sp2 was installed?) vista found and installed the printer fine and it would print.

Since then her kids got a nasty virus so I restored back to factory image, installed all updates, antivirus etc. Then when I go to install the printer which is just by plugging in the usb cable vista finds new hardware and then searches forever for the driver and then says it can't find one.

Anyone ever run across this?

Thanks for any help.

My Computer

I know that the HP website has an online help chat window and their reps can walk you through most any problem dealing with HP products including printers. Give them a try.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion Desktop
    Intel E2220 Dual 2.40 ghz 2400 mhz 2 core
    4gb Ram, 3.87gb physical memory, 7.95gb virtual meory
    Graphics card(s)
    Internet Speed
    DSL 1.5