Solved Help Needed with *Reliability Monitor*


Need help With Vista's Reliability Monitor. Here's the problem...
Past month having too many problems with Vista Extreme and dont know what is causing them. I went and opened the Reliability Monitor and as soon as it opens i also get a small window saying: Internet Explorer cannot download.The system cannot find the file specified. Also, on the big window where the Reliability Monitor opens,the bottom part of the window and right below the graph with all the red X's,it says:Navigation to the webpage was canceled.What you can try:Retype the address.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and/or how to fix this issue? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Welcome, sounds like corruption.

Try this to fix. In search type cmd, do not hit enter>right click run as administrator.
In the cmd prompt type sfc /scannow. You will get a report of any problems, In addition, the scan will try to make corrections. If errors are found run 3 times. Only one file at a time is fixed.

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Trying that right now.Thank you. Will post back in a few...

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    ATI Radeon HD 3650
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    500Gb WD
Im on the East Coast, getting late. I will see the post tomorrow, but do wish you luck.

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    DSL provided by ATT
East Coast here too. But thanks again and will post back n inform if resolved. Have a good night bro...

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TY for your kind word and rep. You will always be welcome at the Forum. I hope that your next visit is to tell us that your problem has been resolved.

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    DSL provided by ATT
Hello Richard. Just wanted to say thanks again. My issue was resolved in another way. Kinda figured out that the problem was File Association. I forgot that htm and html is associated with IE by default. Im thinking that when i made FireFox my default browser it may have changed the file association.Anyways, for anyone that encounters the same problem i had... All i did was go to the Tutorial section of this site, Default File Type Associations - Restore. Downloaded the restore for HTM and HTML, ran them, and restarted Vista. After this, the Reliability Monitor was able to read the logs. But thanks Richard, because i followed your advice and was able to fix other problems. Hope this post is able to help someone in the future.

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Hello Richard. Just wanted to say thanks again. My issue was resolved in another way. Kinda figured out that the problem was File Association. I forgot that htm and html is associated with IE by default. Im thinking that when i made FireFox my default browser it may have changed the file association.Anyways, for anyone that encounters the same problem i had... All i did was go to the Tutorial section of this site, Default File Type Associations - Restore. Downloaded the restore for HTM and HTML, ran them, and restarted Vista. After this, the Reliability Monitor was able to read the logs. But thanks Richard, because i followed your advice and was able to fix other problems. Hope this post is able to help someone in the future.

Mate, just for future, if the matter is 'solved' to your satisfaction, then go back to your last post, click on the

Solved icon.JPG top right of post, and just enter 'Solved' in the dialogue box that comes up.

By the way, thanks for getting back with the feedback - too often overlooked, as are expressions of thanks to those that may have helped.

Enjoy your stay with the Forums.....any problems, there's always someone around ready to help.

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    Acer Aspire Notebook 5633WLMi.[5630 Series]
    Intel Centrino Duo Processor - Intel Core 2 CPU.
    4GB DDR2 [3.07GB maximum real available]
    Graphics card(s)
    nVidia GeForce Go 7300, 128MB
    Sound Card
    Realtek HD Audio, Ver., 2.08MB
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Acer Aspire Notebook - 15.4"; Acer LCD Monitor X223Wsd - 22".
    Screen Resolution
    1280x800x60Hertz [max.]
    Hard Drives
    Notebook - Samsung HM320JI 320GB HD installed 07 August 2009. External HDs [4];Maxtor One Touch4 - 500GB External HD [Drive M:\].Western Digital WDXMS1200TA - 120GB External HD [Drive G:\ - Windows Defender Backup Files only]. Two x LaCie 320GB Mobi
    Logitech Wireless V320 for Notebooks - Model M/N: M-RCD125
    Internet Speed
    Down 20000kb/sec / Up 1000kb/sec [Bigpond-Aus]
    Other Info
    Brother MFC-465CN; PC to Fax/Scan/Copy/Photo MFC. Epson Perfection V300 Photo Scanner. Siemens Speedstream 6520 Router. Wacom 'Bamboo Fun' CTE-650 PC Tablet, Stylus and Mouse. UAC - On;Activated. Browsers; [1] FireFox v3.6[2] IE8. Honorary R.S.M. to the 4th [Assault Pioneer] Troop Pune Sepoys , and 3rd Troop Jodhpur Bengali Lancers.
Okey thanks. I was trying to figure where was the "solved" thing.

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    500Gb WD
Sorry that I did not answer sooner, had no electric power since, Friday.

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    Dell XPS420
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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
    Hard Drives
    640 gb
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    Dell USB
    Other Info
    DSL provided by ATT
I know, we had some crazy weather too here in NYC. But again, Thanks Rich. Your sugestion helped me fix other things that I had no idea were wrong. Your help was, is, and will always be greatly appreciated.

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    500Gb WD
Sorry that I did not answer sooner, had no electric power since, Friday.

Good to see you back on board Richard, and hoping that things are slowly becoming stabilised and returned to 'normal', whatever that may be.

Nature is the great leveller, and can reduce us all to a survivalist mode in a matter of hours, and then it is often surprising how resilient and innovative most become when faced with living with just the basic necessities. I sincerely hope that you and yours are managing through this weather event, and that any losses are minimal.

You gotta look on the bright side - stocks of firewood will be at an all-time high for next winter, and furniture craftsmen will be rubbing their hands with gleeful anticipation, at all that new resource material.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Acer Aspire Notebook 5633WLMi.[5630 Series]
    Intel Centrino Duo Processor - Intel Core 2 CPU.
    4GB DDR2 [3.07GB maximum real available]
    Graphics card(s)
    nVidia GeForce Go 7300, 128MB
    Sound Card
    Realtek HD Audio, Ver., 2.08MB
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Acer Aspire Notebook - 15.4"; Acer LCD Monitor X223Wsd - 22".
    Screen Resolution
    1280x800x60Hertz [max.]
    Hard Drives
    Notebook - Samsung HM320JI 320GB HD installed 07 August 2009. External HDs [4];Maxtor One Touch4 - 500GB External HD [Drive M:\].Western Digital WDXMS1200TA - 120GB External HD [Drive G:\ - Windows Defender Backup Files only]. Two x LaCie 320GB Mobi
    Logitech Wireless V320 for Notebooks - Model M/N: M-RCD125
    Internet Speed
    Down 20000kb/sec / Up 1000kb/sec [Bigpond-Aus]
    Other Info
    Brother MFC-465CN; PC to Fax/Scan/Copy/Photo MFC. Epson Perfection V300 Photo Scanner. Siemens Speedstream 6520 Router. Wacom 'Bamboo Fun' CTE-650 PC Tablet, Stylus and Mouse. UAC - On;Activated. Browsers; [1] FireFox v3.6[2] IE8. Honorary R.S.M. to the 4th [Assault Pioneer] Troop Pune Sepoys , and 3rd Troop Jodhpur Bengali Lancers.
That is all so true Sassofalco

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