I originally sought help for a problem with a hotfix, KB978251, which my machine would not accept. Over in the Updates thread, here, Flavius was gracious enough to respond. After running the diagnostics and posting the results he'd requested, the end result seems to be that my installation of Vista is corrupted.
I am thankful for Flavius' help.
His advice was to reinstall vista or upgrade to Windows 7. I am loathe to accept either course of action. The reinstall directions by Brink, here, states explicity,
To confirm, is it impossible to repair Vista if SP2 is installed and my DVD did NOT contain SP2?
Without reformatting my computer and starting from scratch, a course of action which seems quite drastic and perhaps not what Microsoft designed their OS to be known for, how can I repair my Vista installation?
My sfc files are attached. My understanding is that I have a lot of corrupt files. I am willing to replace them, but I need more information to interpret the results of the sfc output.
I appreciate any help.
P.S. Yes, I ran several searches about this, hence my understanding of the issues as stated above.
P.P.S. No, I never knowingly hacked, changed, modified, or edited my install. I only used Windows Update or installed commercially available, freeware, or shareware programs. Could one of those be the culprit?
I originally sought help for a problem with a hotfix, KB978251, which my machine would not accept. Over in the Updates thread, here, Flavius was gracious enough to respond. After running the diagnostics and posting the results he'd requested, the end result seems to be that my installation of Vista is corrupted.
I am thankful for Flavius' help.
His advice was to reinstall vista or upgrade to Windows 7. I am loathe to accept either course of action. The reinstall directions by Brink, here, states explicity,
- This will not work if you have SP1 and SP2 installed unless your Vista installation DVD includes SP2.
To confirm, is it impossible to repair Vista if SP2 is installed and my DVD did NOT contain SP2?
Without reformatting my computer and starting from scratch, a course of action which seems quite drastic and perhaps not what Microsoft designed their OS to be known for, how can I repair my Vista installation?
My sfc files are attached. My understanding is that I have a lot of corrupt files. I am willing to replace them, but I need more information to interpret the results of the sfc output.
I appreciate any help.
P.S. Yes, I ran several searches about this, hence my understanding of the issues as stated above.
P.P.S. No, I never knowingly hacked, changed, modified, or edited my install. I only used Windows Update or installed commercially available, freeware, or shareware programs. Could one of those be the culprit?