replacing a restored user account from backup with present user account


I have a Vista 32 system that has some corruption. Several things like the NET v2.0 framework do not work correctly and it does not do a Windows update without an error. Basically, I know some corruption must exist in the registry.

I have a new drive that I restored a backup from way back when the system was working OK. Naturally there are programs and files that need to be updated. I will have to reinstall the programs that did not exist on the old backup, but I was hoping I could restore my user account profile "in bulk" without just moving individual files. Is there anything wrong with deleting the whole content of the restored user account profile and replacing it with my present profile?

My Computer

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS420
    6 gig
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI Radeon HD3650 256 MB
    Sound Card
    Intergrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
    Hard Drives
    640 gb
    Dell USB 4 button optical
    Dell USB
    Other Info
    DSL provided by ATT