I want to remove some trees from a MS FS9 scenery, & am trying to use ExcBuilder program but when I run ExcBuilder it says it needs Msstdfmt.dll. I now have this & I've put it in C:\WINDOWS\system32 as advised but ExcBuilder still won't work.
I've been told to do the following: "simply take the dll from the download and paste it in your system 32 folder then go start, run and then typing C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe Msstdfmt.dll" which I've done but all I get is an error message saying the module failed to load as it couldn't be found. Well, it's in the System32 folder.....can someone tell me what I should do now? I've been at this hours & feel at my wit's end.....
I've been told to do the following: "simply take the dll from the download and paste it in your system 32 folder then go start, run and then typing C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe Msstdfmt.dll" which I've done but all I get is an error message saying the module failed to load as it couldn't be found. Well, it's in the System32 folder.....can someone tell me what I should do now? I've been at this hours & feel at my wit's end.....