New Member
I read a few of your post a few months back on Vista back-up and restore function.
I have a restore issue. I am not a techie so please bear with me
System info:
HP pavillion laptp (7/09)
vista x64 (all updates installed as of 2/1)
duo core
exterenal drive
microsoft office enterprise
internet explorer
1tb external drive
norton interent security
various email spam scrubbers
So above is my hardware and daily software and web interfaces I use.
I do not surf the net, I work from home doing admin support for two companies.
I use outlook & one note to pull down all my task, emails, project plan etc..
Last week I kept getting host process errors that were effecting my sound and pointing devices. I called HP and they uninsalled & reinstalled drivers and finally decided to due a system restore/reset to factory setting using partition (f11)
I copied my documents to my 8g ext flash drive and using backup and restore backed up my entire drive except music files I think to my external and to the D.
HP sent out recovery discs that did a full system wipe out.
Now that I am back up I reinstalled office and various fanancial programs and
restore says backup location unavailable. I can see the data just can't pull it in.
I spend two days with paid microsoft tech support to no avail.
I able to extract the files with photo just fine. The kicker is my outlook/note files is split between 5 zip files and all have the same name
I tried extracting them and aggreagating them back in dos using copy /b as one of the microsoft site suggest but outlook does not recognize it as a outlook file
I have also escalted to HP who was of better help.
I have a media id, global cat file, not sure what else is missing or if it need to be in a specific format.
I am at tears as that some of these files are orginal property of my clients that I created and can be in big kaka as well as all of my billing info.
Can you help or send me to a specialist buddy?
I read a few of your post a few months back on Vista back-up and restore function.
I have a restore issue. I am not a techie so please bear with me
System info:
HP pavillion laptp (7/09)
vista x64 (all updates installed as of 2/1)
duo core
exterenal drive
microsoft office enterprise
internet explorer
1tb external drive
norton interent security
various email spam scrubbers
So above is my hardware and daily software and web interfaces I use.
I do not surf the net, I work from home doing admin support for two companies.
I use outlook & one note to pull down all my task, emails, project plan etc..
Last week I kept getting host process errors that were effecting my sound and pointing devices. I called HP and they uninsalled & reinstalled drivers and finally decided to due a system restore/reset to factory setting using partition (f11)
I copied my documents to my 8g ext flash drive and using backup and restore backed up my entire drive except music files I think to my external and to the D.
HP sent out recovery discs that did a full system wipe out.
Now that I am back up I reinstalled office and various fanancial programs and
restore says backup location unavailable. I can see the data just can't pull it in.
I spend two days with paid microsoft tech support to no avail.
I able to extract the files with photo just fine. The kicker is my outlook/note files is split between 5 zip files and all have the same name
I tried extracting them and aggreagating them back in dos using copy /b as one of the microsoft site suggest but outlook does not recognize it as a outlook file
I have also escalted to HP who was of better help.
I have a media id, global cat file, not sure what else is missing or if it need to be in a specific format.
I am at tears as that some of these files are orginal property of my clients that I created and can be in big kaka as well as all of my billing info.
Can you help or send me to a specialist buddy?