About 3 days ago I visited this URL...
Windows Vista home page
I wanted to order the Windows Vista x64 DVD that already had SP2 on it since the media I have is a version of Vista without any service pack on it which has the memory bug where Vista has issues installing on systems that have over 2GB of RAM.
I should have ordered the media when I saw it on the page, because now if you follow that link, you get redirected to...
Windows Vista home page
Which pretends to be about Vista, but shoves 7 in your face. But anyway, I'd like to know if anyone knows where that page went? I desperately need this Vista x64 with SP2 media, as my Win7 beta will begin to expire soon, and I'm not ready to upgrade to 7 just yet. TIA. :-)
Windows Vista home page
I wanted to order the Windows Vista x64 DVD that already had SP2 on it since the media I have is a version of Vista without any service pack on it which has the memory bug where Vista has issues installing on systems that have over 2GB of RAM.
I should have ordered the media when I saw it on the page, because now if you follow that link, you get redirected to...
Windows Vista home page
Which pretends to be about Vista, but shoves 7 in your face. But anyway, I'd like to know if anyone knows where that page went? I desperately need this Vista x64 with SP2 media, as my Win7 beta will begin to expire soon, and I'm not ready to upgrade to 7 just yet. TIA. :-)