I have a list of 200 contacts. I do not know the birthdays of most of them. A large number of them have the null birthday value, 1/1/1601, in the birthday field as viewed when the individual contact file is opened. The select box is checked to use this as the birtdhay. When I unselect the box and hit OK then reopen the contact, the save is not changed. The box is still checked when the contact is reopened. If I change the date of the birthday, that change is saved. However, if I reopen the contact and uncheck the box and hit OK and close and reopen, the box is recheck and the date is returned to the null value date 1/1/1601. To add to the mystery, if the date is set to the null value then it will not display in the Contact folder Birthday column. I need to have the birtday field deselected and properly saved. Otherwise it creates problems syncing with other devices by either sending a null birthday value to the device when no birthday should be present or by preventing the device from sending to the PC a real birthday value since the PC thinks one already exists.
I have confirmed that the birthdays are not save in any other organizer on the PC, like Windows Calender and the files are not Read Only.
I have attached some print screens for clarity.
I have confirmed that the birthdays are not save in any other organizer on the PC, like Windows Calender and the files are not Read Only.
I have attached some print screens for clarity.