I just copied this from another page. sounds like your problem. just follow your path witch was D: I think. good luck
I was experiencing a similar problem. IE7 or IE8 wouldn't display content in Print Preview and prints out blank pages except for the header and the footer. All other applications prints fine.
The computer use to print fine until we moved the computer and created a new profile on the system. After a lot of research and googling all over with no real answer to fix the problem. I tried a combination of two solutions I saw online.
I looked at the footer that did actually print. It showed something like C://Windows/Temp/etc. etc. etc.
I decided, I'm going to try and see what the heck is in that folder location. Behold, when I tried to open the TEMP folder, it said my access was restricted! Even though the user profile was an admin. STRANGE! So I right clicked on TEMP and went to Properties. Went to Security. Saw that the user profile did NOT have FULL ACCESS to that folder. Strange again! So I edited that and gave it FULL CONTROL to that TEMP folder. Clicked OK and apply and all that good stuff.
I restarted the browser and immediately went to Print Preview and the page actually displayed! HALLELUJAH!!! And it printed actual content instead of blankness!
I hope this helps anyone else out there who is experiencing the same problem.