Hi guys, I have a problem. My laptop motherboard fried, so I removed the hard drive and purchased a caddy. When I plug the hard drive in to my new desktop PC I am able to see that only 4GB of the 100 GB capacity is available (as should be the case). However, I cannot see any of my files on there (folders I had created on the desktop etc.). The only folders I can see are PerfLogs, Program Files, SwSetup, Users, Windows and two of my personal folders (both containing some photos).
I really need to find the rest of my files as I have 12GBs of photos and videos of my baby boy on there, and would be gutted if I cannot access them again (for obvious reasons). Nothing else is important. Please help me if you can. Thanks.
P.S. Both my laptop and my PC are Vista. If I need to provide any other info please ask. Thanks again. My personal email is smarty_j_shields AT yahoo.co.uk
I really need to find the rest of my files as I have 12GBs of photos and videos of my baby boy on there, and would be gutted if I cannot access them again (for obvious reasons). Nothing else is important. Please help me if you can. Thanks.
P.S. Both my laptop and my PC are Vista. If I need to provide any other info please ask. Thanks again. My personal email is smarty_j_shields AT yahoo.co.uk