This is a reoccurring problem. That is, try to move to a new version of IncrediMail or move to a new PC, and this error may happen, and no matter what repairs, updates, reinstalls, Registry purges, uninstalls, or anything else of that nature will make it go away. And all over the Internet, people are seeking help to get around this problem, and even IncrediMail's Support has failed to come up with an answer. All this is about to change, because the answer is right here, and anybody that reads and understands can do it. So why hasn't be been solved before now?
This is because people either do not understand some of the basic underpinning of IncrediMail, or have failed to work out what the error message really signifies and what it means.
The first thing to understand is that IncrediMail makes heavy use of the Registry for much of what it does. That makes in insecure in terms of protecting any account from being seen or accessed by others, because each email account is also stored in the Registry, and can be modified by anyone who knows how to use Regedit.
You could be gone for a weekend, and I can bypass your stored password, access all your email, restore the password, and leave you non the wiser. IncrediMail is still a fine email client for the individual, but you would not want to rely on it for anything that really needs to be protected.
That said, what is the problem being reported? That there is a problem with a skin and an inability to get dialoguebutton.bmp, which is just an image, The key here is that it is a skin problem, and each account can have its own skin. And natrually, the information on the skins in use are stored in the Registry.
Uninstalling IncrediMail does not purge the user accounts in the Registry. Running Registry Cleaner or Mechanic sees no issues with the user accounts that are left behind. What has really happened here is that IncrediMail changes its program over time, and the new version does not support the old skin identifier. Get rid of the identifier, and you get past that problem. This means editing the Registry yourslef. But here is an even more effective way.
Old accounts still lie in the Registry, even after removing the account from IncrediMail. Further, if someone forgets the account password or just leaves, you cannot delete it from inside IncrediMail. But these rules do not hold when you go into the Registry. There you can either modify or delete any account at will.
In fact, all the user accounts are stored together in one place. Under a key named IncrediMail, you will find a subkey named Identities. Delete the IncrediMail key menas that finally, IncrediMail is off your PC in all the essential ways. Now install IncrediMail again, and its like putting it in for the first time.
But what of any messages and contact information? If you were lucky, or planned ahead, you would have used the Data and Settings Transfer Wizard to create an archive of what is in IncrediMail. Any user can do this, and when it happens, all the user accounts are saved into that same archive, so it is only necessary to do it the one time. Then if you run into the error described, which can happen if you just try to update IncrediMail, you just uninstall IncrediMail, remove the IncrediMail found in the Registry (the one with Identities below it), and reinstall IncrediMail. Then you set up one dummy account, and use it to use Data and Settings Transfer Wizard to bring the created archive back in again. Now hopefully, the Wizard will know how to deal with any inconsistencies between the old IncrediMail version and the new. You have to figure that it does, or you could never upgrade.
If you do not have an archive ready, and do not want to lose any existing accounts, emails, and contacts. You can focus on the error in question and try to find the entry under each Identity that controls that. In this case, the one for skin. Set that to a neutral value, or one that the new IncrediMail knows, and you can gext past it. In some cases, just deleting that whole entry on the right side in Regedit will do the trick - IncrediMail probably creates that key when you specify a new key if it does not already exist.
Now this should be sufficient information for anyone feeling confident to try, and those that try might be willing willing to give out the exact steps they took in the process. All I'm trying to do here is explain the logic behind it. I even used this information earlier on to figure out a way that changes to the Registry would let all my accounts on different PCs in the same network could all use the same shared drive and one concentrated account under that code so that every email session under that user name went into and out of that one concentrated account. So getting on any PC meant that user could immediately access all their emails, and not have to visit the other PCs just to keep up. It wasn't hard to do, either, because you can add an Identity, transfer an Identity from one PC to another, and of course modify what appears in an Identity. IncrediMail is the only email client that I have found that can be adapted this way, simply because it relies so heavily on the Registry for what it does.
This is because people either do not understand some of the basic underpinning of IncrediMail, or have failed to work out what the error message really signifies and what it means.
The first thing to understand is that IncrediMail makes heavy use of the Registry for much of what it does. That makes in insecure in terms of protecting any account from being seen or accessed by others, because each email account is also stored in the Registry, and can be modified by anyone who knows how to use Regedit.
You could be gone for a weekend, and I can bypass your stored password, access all your email, restore the password, and leave you non the wiser. IncrediMail is still a fine email client for the individual, but you would not want to rely on it for anything that really needs to be protected.
That said, what is the problem being reported? That there is a problem with a skin and an inability to get dialoguebutton.bmp, which is just an image, The key here is that it is a skin problem, and each account can have its own skin. And natrually, the information on the skins in use are stored in the Registry.
Uninstalling IncrediMail does not purge the user accounts in the Registry. Running Registry Cleaner or Mechanic sees no issues with the user accounts that are left behind. What has really happened here is that IncrediMail changes its program over time, and the new version does not support the old skin identifier. Get rid of the identifier, and you get past that problem. This means editing the Registry yourslef. But here is an even more effective way.
Old accounts still lie in the Registry, even after removing the account from IncrediMail. Further, if someone forgets the account password or just leaves, you cannot delete it from inside IncrediMail. But these rules do not hold when you go into the Registry. There you can either modify or delete any account at will.
In fact, all the user accounts are stored together in one place. Under a key named IncrediMail, you will find a subkey named Identities. Delete the IncrediMail key menas that finally, IncrediMail is off your PC in all the essential ways. Now install IncrediMail again, and its like putting it in for the first time.
But what of any messages and contact information? If you were lucky, or planned ahead, you would have used the Data and Settings Transfer Wizard to create an archive of what is in IncrediMail. Any user can do this, and when it happens, all the user accounts are saved into that same archive, so it is only necessary to do it the one time. Then if you run into the error described, which can happen if you just try to update IncrediMail, you just uninstall IncrediMail, remove the IncrediMail found in the Registry (the one with Identities below it), and reinstall IncrediMail. Then you set up one dummy account, and use it to use Data and Settings Transfer Wizard to bring the created archive back in again. Now hopefully, the Wizard will know how to deal with any inconsistencies between the old IncrediMail version and the new. You have to figure that it does, or you could never upgrade.
If you do not have an archive ready, and do not want to lose any existing accounts, emails, and contacts. You can focus on the error in question and try to find the entry under each Identity that controls that. In this case, the one for skin. Set that to a neutral value, or one that the new IncrediMail knows, and you can gext past it. In some cases, just deleting that whole entry on the right side in Regedit will do the trick - IncrediMail probably creates that key when you specify a new key if it does not already exist.
Now this should be sufficient information for anyone feeling confident to try, and those that try might be willing willing to give out the exact steps they took in the process. All I'm trying to do here is explain the logic behind it. I even used this information earlier on to figure out a way that changes to the Registry would let all my accounts on different PCs in the same network could all use the same shared drive and one concentrated account under that code so that every email session under that user name went into and out of that one concentrated account. So getting on any PC meant that user could immediately access all their emails, and not have to visit the other PCs just to keep up. It wasn't hard to do, either, because you can add an Identity, transfer an Identity from one PC to another, and of course modify what appears in an Identity. IncrediMail is the only email client that I have found that can be adapted this way, simply because it relies so heavily on the Registry for what it does.