I have tried quite a few forums searching for an answer to this and finally decided to join one and throw my question out there.
Been having this problem with my recycle bin.
When I delete a file, and send it to the recycle bin, it goes there, but is not visible.
I have no idea what files are in there, I just know they are in there. I can hit restore, but I do not know what they were, or any info on them, so I do not know where they may go if restored. (unless the bin was empty and I only put one in there)
The icon on the desktop shows that the bin now is full, I click on the icon, and there is nothing to see. no files, folder, anything.
The "empty Recycle bin" button lights up, thus giving me the option of clearing files, and says "are you sure you want to permanently delete these files"
I hit yes, and the icon on the desktop clears, as well as the "empty recycle bin" light dims, and as far as I can tell the bin is empty
I have tried a couple different suggestions to do with corrupt recycle bin files.
As Administrator I used this:
rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin
to each drive and then followed by a re-boot.
No luck
THIS PROBLEM IS NOT the one where your desktop icon says full when it has been emptied or vice versa.
The desktop icon functionality works, and when I "empty the bin", it tells me how many files I am deleting, I just have no idea what they are.
This is a hard one as I can find a thread anywhere to this particular problem.IT IS NOT the desktop icon problem of it saying "opposite" of what it is, or how to get the desktopicon back if accidentally deleted.
And it IS NOT the "recycle bin properties" option of having your deletes "immediately removed" that option is NOT selected on ANY of my drives.
I am super-stumped on this. If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.
PS sorry for capitalized words here and there just emphasized so as to clarify facts I have already established and save people wasting breath on things I have eliminated as causes.
Been having this problem with my recycle bin.
When I delete a file, and send it to the recycle bin, it goes there, but is not visible.
I have no idea what files are in there, I just know they are in there. I can hit restore, but I do not know what they were, or any info on them, so I do not know where they may go if restored. (unless the bin was empty and I only put one in there)
The icon on the desktop shows that the bin now is full, I click on the icon, and there is nothing to see. no files, folder, anything.
The "empty Recycle bin" button lights up, thus giving me the option of clearing files, and says "are you sure you want to permanently delete these files"
I hit yes, and the icon on the desktop clears, as well as the "empty recycle bin" light dims, and as far as I can tell the bin is empty
I have tried a couple different suggestions to do with corrupt recycle bin files.
As Administrator I used this:
rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin
to each drive and then followed by a re-boot.
No luck
THIS PROBLEM IS NOT the one where your desktop icon says full when it has been emptied or vice versa.
The desktop icon functionality works, and when I "empty the bin", it tells me how many files I am deleting, I just have no idea what they are.
This is a hard one as I can find a thread anywhere to this particular problem.IT IS NOT the desktop icon problem of it saying "opposite" of what it is, or how to get the desktopicon back if accidentally deleted.
And it IS NOT the "recycle bin properties" option of having your deletes "immediately removed" that option is NOT selected on ANY of my drives.
I am super-stumped on this. If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.
PS sorry for capitalized words here and there just emphasized so as to clarify facts I have already established and save people wasting breath on things I have eliminated as causes.