Desktop Background Preference Not Retained


New Member
When I set a pic as my Desktop Wallpaper, it always displays with "Center" format (right most choice of 3 under Personalize > Desktop Background > How should the picture be positioned?), but I want the left most option, "Fit to screen". So, I check that option, but everytime I open another desktop pic, I have to select it again, it will not save/retain that customization to apply when going from one desktop pic to another.

I conavigated to this forum in a Google search and found a suggestion to use a pic with larger resolution, which I don't believe or find makes any difference.

Anyone know of a way to save that "Fit to screen" setting, so I don't have to dig for and reset it every time I change the desktop picture?

Thanx in advance for any brainy ideas or suggestions -- jo

My Computer
