Comment Column
With Windows Explorer set to Details view, if you open the file properties of certain file
types such as
Word documents or Excel spreadsheets, you can add explanatory text or comments to the Comment column.
To add comments to a file that you can view in Windows Explorer:
Right-click the file name and open the Properties dialog box.
Select the Summary tab. Select the Comments icon and type your comments in the text box.
When finished, click OK. You can also enable a folder to display information in the Comment column by using a
Customize This Folder wizard:
Open Windows Explorer and select a folder for which you want to add comments.
To launch the wizard, from the View menu, select Customize This Folder.
When the Welcome to the Customize This Folder Wizard window displays, click Next.
Select the Add Folder Comment check box. Clear all remaining check boxes, and then click
Next. In the Folder comment: text box, enter your comments. When completed, click Next.
To complete the wizard and have your changes take effect, click Finish. Courtesy -
Microsoft TechNet
Windows 2000 Tweaks
They don't make it easy.
I don't use MS Office so I haven't tried it.