Vista Search Function


New Member
I know this is a bit of an old chestnut, but like many others it gives me a lot of frustration. Periodically I do some housekeeping on my PC and it's very useful to be able to identify and delete any large redundant files lurking in the recesses. This was straightforward in XP with the immediately accessible 'Find' function that Vista has discarded - you just ask for all files over, say, 50Mb, and a list appears. I did have a workround that enabled me to substitute 'Find' for one of the other boxes at the right hand side of of the Start screen (Control Panel, Default Programs, Printers etc.), but this disappeared with a Repair Install and despite much Googling I can't find the instructions how to set this up again. I've also seen another suggestion in this Forum (dated 2006):
"Re: how to find large files
Click Start Menu
Click Search
In the resulting window...
Click the little down arrow button under the back button
Where it says Title, click and select Size
Where it says Equals, click and select Is Greater Than
Where it says Zero, clck and Select Large or whatever size range you're
interested in
The only problem is I don't have a 'Search' to click on, only the search box at the bottom and when you click here you don't get 'a resulting window'.

Can anyone help please?

My Computer


Pressing the Windows key and the F key will bring up the advanced search you're thinking of.


My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    AMD AthlonTM 64x2 3800+
    4 GB
    Graphics card(s)
    NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE