Files Disappeared Vista 64


New Member
My personal files and also Vista help files disappeared after I checked the box to show hidden files. Several screenfuls of text came up to authorize the change as administrator but did not complete successfully. Can't find the files. Now Firefox browser and Thunderbird files are gone and both are now non functional. FF looks like search was hijacked to Yahoo. IE is running OK but also had questions about an app trying to change search default. Ran Malwarebytes and Super Antispyware and both were clean. Earlier in the week had Partner trojan server on machine, which I removed. Tried to do 2 system restores and both failed with unknown errors. Help! I am new to Vista and out of my depth, having no technical no-how. Running Vista 64, details in profile.

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Did you try doing System Restore from Safe Mode or the Recovery Console
or only from regular Vista desktop. You have a better chance of success
from Safe Mode or the Recovery Console.


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What is the Recovery Console and how do I get to it?

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Safe Mode:
Restart your computer by clicking the Start orb,then click the arrow to the right
of the lock symbol at the bottom of the Start Menu.
In the menu that pops up - click Restart.

As soon as the screen goes dark,begin pressing the F8 key continuously twice per
second until the computer shows you a text menu. Use the Arrow keys to highlight
Safe Mode then press Enter on your keyboard.

Once Windows has booted into Safe Mode,click the Start orb and type
"restore" (without the " " ).
At the top off the left pane of the Start Menu click System Restore.
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Was able to do a sys res in safe mode, thanks. That got back the Help and the file structure but I still can't see the files themselves. I have a feeling that it is not fully recognizing me as admin, since a Super Antispyware box is popping up saying I have to have admin privleges to run updates. I can see the folder names but not the files. I think the earlier abnormal end hosed my settings somehow. Also, IE is acting weird, locking up and still having the problem with a program trying to change the search engine. Unfortunately it doesn't say what program! So my files are still MIA...

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Just for the heck of it I just went to the Documents folder and checked the display hidden files box, found it unchecked so I checked it back, and up popped all my files. What the heck is going on? Why are my files hidden from me- unless it in fact is a problem with my level of access? Don't know if I will be able to work with these files or not, some are things I will need to edit so it is importsant that I be able to manipulate them.

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Have you checked your files Properties to see if they are marked as Hidden?

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They are marked as read-only and hidden, neither if which I marked. There are hundreds of files like that.

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Thanks, I'll give it a try. This sure is frustrating. Any ideas on the attempted search hijacking? IE keeps popping up a window to warn me of it every time that I have to respo0nd to. The restore didn't fix that.

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Additional virus/malware scans in Safe Mode might help.

Also as an experiment,create a new User Account and see if everything behaves normally there. If so,you can transfer your personal files to the new account
and ignore or delete the old account.

Best Wishes.

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The program you suggested fixed the settings, although I get some odd responses when opening Word sometimes. Saved me literally days of work as there were thousands of files to sort through. I will try the scans in safe mode and new profile tomorrow. You sure have been a big help! Thanks!

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I made a new admin account and that fixed the Help problems with Microsoft Office. I suspect it was the cause of the other problems too, as now Firefox is working. How do I transfer my Documents and backup files to the new account? Not used to working with an admin account.

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I suggest copying your files to DVD, then from DVD to the folders in the new account. When done you'll have made the transfer plus have an extra backup.
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Thanks Ardneh, I'll try that. Haven't used DVD yet- this is a new computer. Wish me luck!


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If you don't want to use the DVD method.

You can access the new account folders from the Users folder.

Computer > C: drive > Users >

Right click <NewUserAccount> Open

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