I have on my PC Vista Ultimate 32.
Last night i saw a movie near my PC and left it open (most of the time i locked it when not in use), when suddenly right in front of my eyes - the PC locked him self!
It was like i locked it myself - but alone!
So, i run AVG scan, W Defender scan and another anti-spy program scan - nothing.
My UAC is on all the time. My Fire Wall is on all the time.
I am the only user on this PC, and no one know my password.
I check in the Event Viewer and there was no unusual activity. the locked activity was mentioned but in the normal way, as if I was the one that did it.
So - what can it be???
Is it Vista failure?
Or maybe someone broke into my PC?
I have on my PC Vista Ultimate 32.
Last night i saw a movie near my PC and left it open (most of the time i locked it when not in use), when suddenly right in front of my eyes - the PC locked him self!
It was like i locked it myself - but alone!
So, i run AVG scan, W Defender scan and another anti-spy program scan - nothing.
My UAC is on all the time. My Fire Wall is on all the time.
I am the only user on this PC, and no one know my password.
I check in the Event Viewer and there was no unusual activity. the locked activity was mentioned but in the normal way, as if I was the one that did it.
So - what can it be???
Is it Vista failure?
Or maybe someone broke into my PC?