Corrupt Master File Table. Please help
I hope someone can help. Last week I had to do a start up repair after new Memory corrupted the Start up. Now after a cooler install I cant even do a startup repair. The Diagnostics say
Root Cause found
No OS files found on Disk.
repair action - Partition Table Repair
Result: failed Error code = 0x3bc3
I cleared the CMOS and the recover worked upto a point. Now I have a corrupted Master File Table - Chkdsk aborts after about 20mins.
Is there a way around this.
Note - My harddrive is not backed up and I cannot access it to back up the data. If Vista it is saying not accessible and shows the harddrive is blank.
This is my Data Disk not my OS disk That finnaly works.
Please tell me there is a way around this and I dont have to wipe my hard drive which isnt backed up.
I hope you can help
Thanks Del
I hope someone can help. Last week I had to do a start up repair after new Memory corrupted the Start up. Now after a cooler install I cant even do a startup repair. The Diagnostics say
Root Cause found
No OS files found on Disk.
repair action - Partition Table Repair
Result: failed Error code = 0x3bc3
I cleared the CMOS and the recover worked upto a point. Now I have a corrupted Master File Table - Chkdsk aborts after about 20mins.
Is there a way around this.
Note - My harddrive is not backed up and I cannot access it to back up the data. If Vista it is saying not accessible and shows the harddrive is blank.
This is my Data Disk not my OS disk That finnaly works.
Please tell me there is a way around this and I dont have to wipe my hard drive which isnt backed up.
I hope you can help
Thanks Del
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